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Event Calendar ~ August 2023

Party in the Parking Lot

August 1 from 11:30am to 1:30pm

50th Ave. across from the RCMP, Grimshaw

Enjoy a $5 BBQ lunch each day to kick off the North Peace Stampede. Music, games and prizes. Brought to you by the Grimshaw and District Chamber of Commerce. For more information call 780-618-9648.

Buddha Boards and Art

August 1 from 1pm to 4pm

Peace River Library

Presented by Project PEACE. Follow them on Facebook for more information.

Party in the Parking Lot

August 2 from 11:30am to 1:30pm

Little Library on 55th Ave., Grimshaw

Enjoy a $5 BBQ lunch each day to kick off the North Peace Stampede. Music, games and prizes. Brought to you by the Grimshaw and District Chamber of Commerce. For more information call 780-618-9648.

Inside Out Movie and Games

August 2 from 1pm to 4pm

Peace River Library

Presented by Project PEACE. Follow them on Facebook for more information.

Fairview Farmers Market

August 2 from 3:30pm to 6:30pm

Fairview Legion

100% locally made, baked or grown. To become a vendor, email

Fairview Summer Patio Series

August 2 from 6pm to 9pm

Freson Bros, Fairview

Featuring Birgitte Hansen and Christina Rogers. Pop-up patios, cold beverages, great food and live music all summer long. Ticketed event. Find more information on Facebook at “Fairview Summer Patio Series”

Youth Softball

August 2, 9 and 16 from 6:30pm to 8pm

St. Isidore Ball Diamond

For youth ages 9-16. Bring your glove and join us for an evening of softball. Weather permitting. For more information, call 780-624-8071.

National Lifeguard Recertification

August 3 from 8am to 1pm

Peace Regional Pool, Peace River

The NL Program develops the basic lifeguarding skills, principles and decision-making process to help lifeguards evaluate and adapt to different aquatic facilities and emergencies. All participants will be screened upon arrival. $90.48+GST.

Party in the Parking Lot

August 3 from 11:30am to 1:30pm

Country Corner Furniture, Grimshaw

Enjoy a $5 BBQ lunch each day to kick off the North Peace Stampede. Music, games and prizes. Brought to you by the Grimshaw and District Chamber of Commerce. For more information call 780-618-9648.

Inside Out Movie and Games

August 3 from 1:30pm to 4pm

Grimshaw Library

Presented by Project PEACE. Follow them on Facebook for more information.

North Peace Stampede

August 4 to 6

Lac Cardinal Sports Grounds

Pro rodeo and chuckwagons, Duane Kesler Championship Rodeo Stock, Lacey Sisters Trick Riding and more. West Coast Amusements Midway on Fri., Sat., and Sun. For more info, visit

Extra Public Swim

August 4 from 10am to 12pm

Peace Regional Pool, Peace River

Puzzles in the Park!

August 4 from 10am to 2pm

Grimshaw Shared Park

Presented by Project PEACE. Follow them on Facebook for more information.

Summer Tea

August 5 at 2pm

Historical NAR Station, Peace River

We have a variety of teas and locally baked goodies. Tickets are $15+GST. Please purchase your tickets in advance, as space is limited. Tickets are available at the museum and online at

Antique Tractor Parade

August 6

Battle River Pioneer Museum, Manning

Free pancake breakfast from 9am to 11am, United/Anglican service on-grounds at 10am, and parade at 11am. Approximately 35 tractors running. Threshing, shingle mill, log plane and other attractions! Food booth on-site with beef donated by Leading Edge Sales and Rentals. Breakfast sponsored by Venture Parts Supply/Homesteader Building Supplies.

Annual Fresh Air Market

August 6 from 11am to 5pm

Historic Dunvegan Provincial Park

Experience the time-honoured tradition of trading and gathering at Historic Dunvegan's annual Fresh Air Market. Get to know local artisans and the products they passionately create. Regular admission fees apply. Bring cash. Market runs rain or shine. If you are a local artisan or food vendor and are interested in participating in the market, email

3rd Annual Ray Hamel Memorial Bluesky Picnic

August 6

Bluesky Community Park

Senior Coffee Morning

August 8 at 10am

Nampa Foods

Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea while you reconnect with your neighbours. Sponsored by Nampa FCSS. For more information call 780-322-3954.

Facepaint, bubbles and tattoos

August 8 from 11am to 3pm

Peace River Spray Park

Presented by Project PEACE. Follow them on Facebook for more information.

4 Day HITT Volleyball Camp

August 8 – 11

Mile Zero Regional Multiplex, Grimshaw

A North Peace Athletics Society event.

Fairview Book Club

August 8 at 7pm

Fairview Public Library

Join us for book club on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Come help pick the next book while reviewing the last book. |

Splish ‘n’ Splash

August 9 from 1pm to 3pm

Marie Reine Sports Court

Join us for a fun-filled day of water-themed sports, crafts and cool treats. For youth ages 8+. For more information call 780-322-3954.

Relationship Skills Virtual Workshop Series

Aug 9, 16, 23 and 30 from 9am to 10am


A series of four sessions focused on topics related to healthy relationships and skill building to improve relationships with yourself and others. Pre-registration required for all sessions. Call your local Addiction and Mental Health Office to register.

Peace River Office: 780-624-6151

Tie Dye Craft

August 9 from 11am to 3pm

Peace River Spray Park

Presented by Project PEACE. Follow them on Facebook for more information.

Fairview Farmers Market

August 9 from 3:30pm to 6:30pm

Fairview Legion

100% locally made, baked or grown. To become a vendor, email

Fairview Summer Patio Series

August 9 from 6pm to 9pm

Butter Chicken Co., Fairview

Featuring Chris Roy and Sofa Gnomes. Pop-up patios, cold beverages, great food and live music all summer long. Ticketed event. Find more information on Facebook at “Fairview Summer Patio Series”

Outdoor Concert Series

August 9 from 7pm to 8pm

River Front Park, Peace River

Live music by the Billy Ivory Band. Bring your own blanket or chair! In partnership with the Town of Peace River and Northern Sunrise County Community Services. For more information call 780-625-3287 or 780-624-3204.

Facepaint, bubbles and tattoos

August 10 from 11am to 3pm

Grimshaw Shared Park

Presented by Project PEACE. Follow them on Facebook for more information.

Mobile Mammography Screening

August 10 to 16

Grimshaw Community Health Complex

Appointments are required. Call to book yours today: 1-800-667-0604 (toll free).

To learn more, visit

Tie Dye Craft

August 11 from 11am to 3pm

Grimshaw Shared Park

Presented by Project PEACE. Follow them on Facebook for more information.

Meet with a Lifemark Career Counsellor

August 11 from 12:30pm to 2:30pm

Peace River Municipal Library

Are you looking for help with resume and cover letter writing? Or maybe your online job search? Lifemark Vocational Services will have a career counsellor available offering these services free of charge. For more info, you can email or connect with Lifemark by telephone at 780-229-5785.

Mackenzie County Agricultural Fair and Trade Show

August 11 & 12

MARA Grounds, Fort Vermilion

Live entertainment, activities for all ages, contests, demonstrations, challenges, food trucks, kids activities and more. For more info, visit

Fall Classic Horse Show

August 11 – 13

Peace River Ag Grounds

Contact Crystal Ferguson for more information:

Demonstration Day

August 12

Lac Cardinal Regional Pioneer Village Museum

(located near Queen Elizabeth Provincial Park)

Enjoy the pancake breakfast, main street parade, Berwyn Farmer’s Market, threshing and sawmill demonstrations, and more. Lots of activities for all ages, and we will be making the draw for the summer raffle. It’s a great way to spend the day at the museum!

Peace River Farmers Market

August 12 from 10am to 2pm

8002 102 Ave., West Hill Peace River

Wildlife Discovery Day

August 12 from 10am to 4pm

Harmon Valley Park

Join Northern Sunrise County, Robb Stavne of Sora Ecological Consulting and Fish & Wildlife for an afternoon of family fun! We will discover and identify common wildlife signs as well as discuss wildlife safety. There will also be activities and games, followed by a hot dog roast to finish the day. For more information call 780-322-3831.

Babysitting Course

August 12 from 10am to 6pm

Peace Regional Pool

The Red Cross Babysitting course teaches your child the basics of babysitting, how to prevent accidents and basic Frist Aid training. For ages 11+. For more information visit

Dungeons and Dragons

August 12 from 11am to 2pm

Historic NAR Station, Peace River | 780-624-4076

Historic Walking Tour

August 12 at 2pm

Belle Centre Parking Lot

Join the Peace River Museum for a free historic walking tour of West Downtown Peace River that explores the stories, people and businesses. Weather permitting. Tour will take about an hour.

International Youth Day ~ Free Public Swim

August 12 from 2pm to 5pm

Grimshaw Outdoor Swimming Pool

For more information, call the Grimshaw Pool at 780-332-4010.

Music in the Park and Tailgate Sale

August 13 from 1:30pm to 3:30pm

Hemstock Park, Fairview

Bring your own lawn chair. Weather permitting. Featuring entertainment by Don Imes and High Road.

Discovery Days Summer Camp

August 14 – 16 from 10am to 4pm

Meet at the Nampa FCSS Office

For youth ages 6+. Join Nampa Community Services for three afternoons of fun in the sun! Make new friendships while participating in a variety of summer-themed activities. Limited spots available. To register, or for more info, call 780-322-3954.

Transform your Stress: The Resilience Advantage™ Virtual Workshop Series

Aug 14 and 21 from 9am to 11am


This workshop for managing stress in challenging times comes in two paths. Registration required, attend session one alone or add on session two to increase your skill. Call your local Addiction and Mental Health Office to register.

Peace River Office: 780-624-6151

Wilderness Park Walk & Play

August 15 from 10am to 2pm

Wilderness Park, Range Road 233

Presented by Project PEACE. Follow them on Facebook for more information.

Splash Park and Flower Painting

August 16 from 11am to 2pm

Peace River Spray Park

Presented by Project PEACE. Follow them on Facebook for more information.

Fairview Farmers Market

August 16 from 3:30pm to 6:30pm

Fairview Legion

100% locally made, baked or grown. To become a vendor, email

Fairview Summer Patio Series

August 16 from 6pm to 9pm

Dunvegan Inn and Suites, Fairview

Featuring Dustin Milner and Matt Patershuk. Pop-up patios, cold beverages, great food and live music all summer long. Ticketed event. Find more information on Facebook at “Fairview Summer Patio Series”

Farm to Home Talks with the Honey Brothers

August 16 at 6:30pm

Peace River Municipal Library

Learn about the Honey Brothers organic farm, apiculture (beekeeping) and honey and the importance of pollinators.

Navigating Childcare Lunch ‘n’ Learn

August 17 from 12pm to 1pm

Peace Region Family Resource Network, Peace River

Learn how to find safe childcare and understand the different types of care in your area. Registration required. Childcare provided. Call 780-624-0770 to sign up.

Free Swimming

August 17 from 2pm to 5pm

Grimshaw Pool

Presented by Project PEACE. Follow them on Facebook for more information.

Scavenger Hunt and Water Balloon Fight

August 18 from 11am to 2pm

Berwyn Town Park

Presented by Project PEACE. Follow them on Facebook for more information.

Paddle the Peace

August 19 from 8:30am to 3pm

Enjoy a leisurely paddle on the Peace River with a complimentary lunch, entertainment, door prizes and lots of fun on the water. Full day route: $25 from Shaftesbury Ferry to Peace River’s Lower West Boat Launch (28km). Half day route: $20 from Strong Creek Campground to Peace River’s Lower West Boat Launch (13km). Children 12 and under a free. Organized by the County of Northern Lights, Town of Peace River, MD of Peace and Northern Sunrise County. For more info, visit

Brownvale Centennial Parade

August 19 at 11am

Brownvale Museum to Brownvale Community Rec Centre

Join us as we honour the past, celebrate the present and dream about the future. Participate in one of the parade categories: bicycle procession (all ages), classic cars and trucks, old & new farm machinery and past and present community clubs. To register for the parade call Dianne at 780-618-0295.

Open Air Market

August 19 from 11am to 5pm


Hosted by the Brownvale Centennial Celebration

Brownvale Centennial Activities at the Library

August 19 from 10am to 3pm

Brownvale Community Library

Featuring a clue hunt, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, colouring, crafts and door prizes.

Youth Summer’s End Outing: High Prairie Regional Aquatic Centre

August 19 (Time TBD)

Meet at the St. Isidore Cultural Centre

For ages 8-14. Pack your swimming gear and board the Community Services Van for an afternoon of swimming. Limited seats. Pre-registration required. To register, or for more info, call 780-624-8071.

Summer Tea

August 19 at 2pm

Historical NAR Station, Peace River

We have a variety of teas and locally baked goodies. Tickets are $15+GST. Please purchase your tickets in advance, as space is limited. Tickets are available at the museum and online at

Free Closing Swim

August 19 from 2pm to 4pm

Grimshaw Outdoor Swimming Pool

For more info. Call the Grimshaw Pool at 780-332-4010.

Senior Coffee Morning

August 22 at 10am

Nampa Foods

Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea while you reconnect with your neighbours. Sponsored by Nampa FCSS. For more information call 780-322-3954.

Wilderness Park Walk & Play

August 22 from 10am to 2pm

Wilderness Park, Range Road 233

Presented by Project PEACE. Follow them on Facebook for more information.

Bracelet Making and Water Balloon Fight

August 23 from 11am to 2pm

Grimshaw School Park

Presented by Project PEACE. Follow them on Facebook for more information.

Adult Outing: Farm to Table Garden Tour and Floral Arrangement Workshop

August 23 at 3:30pm

Meet at the St. Isidore Cultural Centre

Take a scenic drive to Farm to Table located near Sexsmith for a scenic garden tour and learn how to make a floral arrangement. Transportation, tour, supplies and instruction provided. $25 per person. Limited seats. Please pre-register. To register, or for more info, call 780-624-8071.

Fairview Farmers Market

August 23 from 3:30pm to 6:30pm

Fairview Legion

100% locally made, baked or grown. To become a vendor, email

Spreading Kindness Activity

August 24 from 11am to 2pm

Berwyn Town Park

Presented by Project PEACE. Follow them on Facebook for more information.

Meet with a Lifemark Career Counsellor

August 25 from 12:30pm to 2:30pm

Peace River Municipal Library

Are you looking for help with resume and cover letter writing? Or maybe your online job search? Lifemark Vocational Services will have a career counsellor available offering these services free of charge. For more info, you can email or connect with Lifemark by telephone at 780-229-5785.

Fresh Air Cinema

August 25 at 5:30pm

Misery Mountain Ski Chalet, Peace River

Gates open at 5:30pm. Movie begins at 6:30pm. Bring your own chair or blanket to watch Puss in Boots: The Last Wish! Entry into the movie is free. Concessions on-site. Brought to you in partnership with Northern Sunrise County and the Town of Peace River. Secure your spot at For more information call 780-625-3287.

Charcuterie Building

August 25 from 6pm to 9pm

Krooked House, Grimshaw

Presented by Project PEACE. Follow them on Facebook for more information.

Come Alive Gospel Music Fest

August 25 – 27

Mile Zero Regional Multiplex

Live Christian music in the Peace Region featuring a great line up of artists including headliner Jeff Catto, local acts and more. For more information follow us on Facebook.

Mechanical Bull Riding Championships

August 26

Downtown Fairview

Organized by the Fairview and District Chamber of Commerce. Sign up, ride and win prizes.

Summer’s End Festival

August 26

Downtown Fairview

Parade at 11am, pancake brunch, Peace Classic Wheels Car Show, markets, food booths, street dance, beer gardens from 8pm to midnight, live music by TJ Ruckus, games, bouncy castles, fireworks and more!

Peace River Farmers Market

August 26 from 10am to 2pm

8002 102 Ave., West Hill Peace River

Dungeons and Dragons

August 26 from 11am to 2pm

Historic NAR Station, Peace River | 780-624-4076

Free Guided Cemetery Tour

August 26 at 2pm

Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Peace River

Learn about past local residents and interesting history.

Extra Public Swim

August 28 to Sept. 1 from 10am to 12pm daily

Peace Regional Pool, Peace River

Fairview Farmers Market

August 30 from 3:30pm to 6:30pm

Fairview Legion

100% locally made, baked or grown. To become a vendor, email


Please note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of these events and listings. Any errors or omissions are strictly unintentional. Please confirm event details with organizers and coordinators, as details may have changed since publication. To have your event or listing included in future calendars, send the listing to (some restrictions apply).


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