Cram the Cruiser
Date TBA
Town of Fairview
At Moonlight Madness, stop by The Bargain Shop to help the Crossroads Resource Centre and Women’s Shelter cram the cruiser.
Family Violence Prevention Month
This November, help us raise awareness and help families, friends and neighbours who are experiencing family violence. During the month of November, please drop off select items into the purple tubs located at the Mile Zero Regional Multiplex, the Village of Berwyn Office and Krooked House in Grimshaw. Items include SIM cards, all sizes of clothing, pajamas and outerwear, toys for all ages, luggage, school items, toiletries, electronics, kitchen items, period products, etc. The Family Violence Info Line is 310-1818 and is available toll-free to Albertans 24/7 in over 170 languages.

Establish Supportive Relationships
November 1 from 9am to 3:30pm
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex
What to do and say when someone else is facing challenges. Be supportive of others while maintaining healthy boundaries. Free of charge certified professional development. Contact Lilli Lundgard to register or for more info or call 780-624-3603 ext. 10152.
Time for Tots
November 1 from 10am to 11am
Fairview Public Library
Stories, songs, crafts, science and sensory exploration. Ages 3-5. In partnership with the Peace Region Family Resource Network. Registration is required. Call to sign up: 780-835-2613.
Baby Bits
November 1 from 1pm to 2pm
Fairview Public Library
Learn, play and grow with your baby and meet other caregivers during your baby’s first year of life. For expecting parents and those with babies newborn-1yrs. In partnership with the Peace Region Family Resource Network.
Free Open Court Time
November 2 from 6pm to 9pm
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex
In recognition of Family Violence Prevention Month. This November, help us raise awareness and help families, friends and neighbours who are experiencing family violence. The Family Violence Info Line is 310-1818 and is available toll-free to Albertans 24/7 in over 170 languages.
Youth Candle Making Workshop
November 2 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm
St. Isidore Cultural Centre
For youth ages 12-16. Learn how to make candles with Blush Candles. To register or for more info call 780-624-8071.

Seniors Health and Wellness Fair
November 3 from 1pm to 4pm
Chateau Nova Elk Room, Peace River
Free admission! Learn about programs and services available to seniors. Visit booths, ask questions about your health and win fantastic prizes. Light snacks will be provided. Attendees must register by contacting Peace River Community Services at 780-624-1000 or email Deadline to register is October 31.
Free Family Fun Night
November 3 from 7pm to 9pm
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex Field House
Come out, have fun and burn off some energy. This free event is sponsored by Beyond 2000 and Xplornet. For more info, call 780-332-4005 ext. 0.
Lego Club
November 4
Drop in between 1pm and 3:45pm
Fairview Public Library
Free building and creative challenges. Display spots for your awesome builds! Recommended for ages 3yrs+.
Little Adventurers: Dino Uproar
November 6 from 10am to 11:30am
Nampa FCSS Office
For ages 0-5 and their parents/guardians. Join us for dinosaur-themed crafts, games and snacks. Limited spots available. Please pre-register. To register or for more info call 780-322-3954.
Free Swim
November 6 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Peace Regional Pool
Sponsored by United Rentals

Annual Book Sale
November 6 to 9
Fairview Public Library
Annual used book sale. Prices by donation. Open during regular operating hours.
Senior Coffee Morning
November 7 from 10am to 11am
Nampa Foods
Stop in for a cup of coffee or tea and reconnect with your neighbours. Sponsored by Nampa FCSS. For more information call 780-322-3954.
November 7
Town of Fairview
In recognition of Family Violence Prevention Month, businesses and schools are invited to wear purple to show their support for those experiencing family violence. Enter the contest for a chance to win a pizza lunch provided by Crossroads Resource Centre and Women’s Shelter.
Rhyme Time
November 7 from 10am to 10:30am
Fairview Public Library
Songs, fingerplays and socialization. Ages 6mo-2yrs. Registration is required. Call to sign up: 780-835-2613.
Time for Tots
November 8 from 10am to 11am
Fairview Public Library
Stories, songs, crafts, science and sensory exploration. Ages 3-5. In partnership with the Peace Region Family Resource Network. Registration is required. Call to sign up: 780-835-2613.
Baby Bits
November 8 from 1pm to 2pm
Fairview Public Library
Learn, play and grow with your baby and meet other caregivers during your baby’s first year of life. For expecting parents and those with babies newborn-1yrs. In partnership with the Peace Region Family Resource Network.
Kids Konnection
November 8 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Nampa FCSS Office
For children ages 6+. Join us for a variety of interactive activities while connecting with your friends after school. Limited spots available. To register or for more info call 780-322-3954.
Dungeons and Dragons
November 9 at 6pm
Fairview Public Library
One-off tabletop roleplaying game sessions. Please bring a prepared Level 1 character. Open to ages 12+.
Laser Tag
November 9
Drop in from 6pm to 8pm
Fairview Public Library
For ages 8+.

Free Open Court Time
November 9 from 6pm to 9pm
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex
In recognition of Family Violence Prevention Month. This November, help us raise awareness and help families, friends and neighbours who are experiencing family violence. The Family Violence Info Line is 310-1818 and is available toll-free to Albertans 24/7 in over 170 languages.
Nerf Wars
November 9 from 6:30pm to 8pm
St. Isidore Cultural Centre Gym
For youth ages 9-15. Enjoy a friendly game of Nerf dodgeball. Nerf bullets and goggles available. We will have a limited supply of Nerf guns. Youth are welcome to bring their own. To register or for more info call 780-624-8071.
Fall Prevention Month Free Presentation
November 10 at 12pm
Berwyn Golden Age Drop-In Centre
Potluck and guest speaker. Out guest speaker Sydney Hiebert, a certified holistic nutrition consultant and personal trainer, will speak on the importance of nutrition and exercise as we age. Open to all interested. This presentation is brought to you by the Town of Grimshaw Community Services Department.
Family Dodgeball
November 10 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Nampa Public School Gymnasium
Connect with other families over a friendly game of dodgeball. All ages and abilities welcome. For more information call 780-322-3954.
Statutory Schedule
November 11
Peace Regional Pool
Parent & Tot/Lane: 12:30pm to 1:30pm, Family Swim: 1:30pm to 3:30pm, Public Swim: 3:30pm to 5:30pm
Potluck and Games
November 12 at 5:30pm
Berwyn Elks Community Centre
Free event! Everyone welcome!

World Kindness Day Contest
November 13
Town of Grimshaw
In honour of World Kindness Day, we’re holding a kindness contest to inspire your own act of kindness. Call Grimshaw Community Services and tell us one thing you plan on doing to celebrate World Kindness Day and your name will be entered into a draw for a chance to win one of four local business gift certificates valued at $30 each. Open to all ages. Call 780-332-4005 ext. 04. The draw will take place on Nov. 14 at 4pm.
Extra Public Swim
November 13 from 10am to 12pm & 1pm to 3pm
Peace Regional Pool, Peace River
Youth Workshop: Advent Calendars
November 13 from 1pm to 3:30pm
Nampa FCSS Office
For ages 10+. Join us for an afternoon of creating your own Christmas Advent Calendar. Supplies and instruction provided at no cost. Limited spots available. Please pre-register. To register or for more info call 780-322-3954.
No School Days Youth Nerf Wars
November 13 from 1:30pm to 2:30pm
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex, Grimshaw
$2 per participant. Clean indoor shoes are required. BYO Nerf gun. For new participants, parents must sign a one-time waiver. For more information, call the MZRM at 780-332-4005 ext. 0.
No School Days Public Skating and Shinny Hockey
November 13
Public Skating from 1:30pm to 2:30pm
Shinny Hockey from 2:30pm to 4:30pm
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex, Grimshaw
$2 per participant. All participants 18 years and younger must wear a CSA approved helmet. For more info call 780-332-4005 ext. 0.
Rhyme Time
November 14 from 10am to 10:30am
Fairview Public Library
Songs, fingerplays and socialization. Ages 6mo-2yrs. Registration is required. Call to sign up: 780-835-2613.
Time for Tots
November 15 from 10am to 11am
Fairview Public Library
Stories, songs, crafts, science and sensory exploration. Ages 3-5. In partnership with the Peace Region Family Resource Network. Registration is required. Call to sign up: 780-835-2613.
Baby Bits
November 15 from 1pm to 2pm
Fairview Public Library
Learn, play and grow with your baby and meet other caregivers during your baby’s first year of life. For expecting parents and those with babies newborn-1yrs. In partnership with the Peace Region Family Resource Network.
Kids Konnection
November 15 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Nampa FCSS Office
For children ages 6+. Join us for a variety of interactive activities while connecting with your friends after school. Limited spots available. To register or for more info call 780-322-3954.

Establish Supportive Relationships
November 15 from 5pm to 8pm
Baytex Energy Centre, Peace River
What to do and say when someone else is facing challenges. Be supportive of others while maintaining healthy boundaries. Free of charge certified professional development. Contact Lilli Lundgard to register or for more info or call 780-624-3603 ext. 10152.
Mother Earth Presentation, Exhibit & Book Signing
November 15 at 7:15pm
Peace River Art Hub
Sharon Krushel will be presenting stories, slides and songs about her book, Mother Earth – Boreal Beauty of the Peace Country and the biologists, Indigenous language speakers, and the 31 photographers who contributed to the project. Come learn about our local species of plants, animals and mushrooms; marvel at our natural wonders; and enjoy the exhibit.
La Petite Ecole
November 16 from 10am to 11:30am
St. Isidore Cultural Centre
For ages 0-5 and their parents/guardians. Please join us for themed crafts, games and snacks. Parent/guardian supervision required. To register or for more info call 780-624-8071.
Laser Tag
November 16
Drop in from 6pm to 8pm
Fairview Public Library
For ages 8+.
Death Café
November 16 at 7pm
Nampa FCSS Office
Death Café is a global movement providing a space to talk about life, loss, grief and gratitude. By discussing death, we can become more comfortable with this reality of life and thus, “make the most of our finite lives.” To register or for more info call 780-322-3954.
ACDA Dance Studio Dinner and Dance
November 17 at 6:30pm
Peace River Senior Citizen Centre
Dance lessons taught by World Champion Country Dancer, Dale Tosczak. Turkey buffet dinner at 7pm. Dance with lessons from 8pm to 10pm. Price before Nov. 7: $45 per person or $25 per person for dance only. After Nov. 7 add $5 per person. To register, please contact Dale at or call 403-512-7013.
Free Family Fun Night
November 17 from 7pm to 9pm
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex Field House
Come out, have fun and burn off some energy. This free event is sponsored by Beyond 2000 and Xplornet. For more info, call 780-332-4005 ext. 0.

Grimshaw Christmas Market
November 18 from 10am to 4pm
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex
The Grimshaw Christmas Market is a premier event that showcases over one hundred craftspeople and artisans from all across the Peace Region. A $2 admission fee will apply to ages 12+. The market is hosted by the Town of Grimshaw Community Services Department as a fundraiser for the Grimshaw Splash Park Capital Project. For more info, call Tracy Halerewich at 780-625-9778 or email
Bird Feeder Workshop
November 18 from 10am to 4pm
Fairview Fine Arts Centre
with Sharon Doucet. Create a beautiful glass fusion window bird feeder. Please bring a lunch and wear closed toed shoes. Glass will be kiln-fired and wood frame will be assembled for you. For ages 16+. $100 per participant. Registration closes November 11. Please call 780-835-2697 to register.
Lego Club
November 18
Drop in between 1pm and 3:45pm
Fairview Public Library
Free building and creative challenges. Display spots for your awesome builds! Recommended for ages 3yrs+.
Misery Mountain Snow Fest
November 18
Misery Mountain Ski Area, Peace River
Truck raffle draw, live music by LumpSumm, silent auction, delicious food, cozy bar and an immersive winter wonderland. For more info email or visit

Pancake Breakfast
November 19
Weberville Hall
Christmas Brunch with the Grinch
November 19 from 11am to 3pm
Deadwood Community Hall
Enjoy a family-friendly brunch with the one and only Grinch. Games, puzzles, photos and crafts. Gluten-free options available. Tickets must be purchased in advance and will not be available at the door. To buy tickets call 780-836-4345. Ages 11+: $10, Ages 3-10: $5, Ages 2 and under: Free.
Glow Skate
November 19 at 6:30pm
Baytex Energy Centre, Peace River
Sponsored by United Rentals
Festival of Trees
November 20 to 24 from 1pm to 9pm daily
Dunvegan Motor Inn, Fairview
For more information, contact the Fairview and Area Palliative Care Society at 780-835-3195 or visit

Free Swim
November 20 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Peace Regional Pool
Sponsored by the Family Resource Network
Senior Coffee Morning
November 21 from 10am to 11am
Nampa Foods
Stop in for a cup of coffee or tea and reconnect with your neighbours. Sponsored by Nampa FCSS. For more information call 780-322-3954.
Rhyme Time
November 21 from 10am to 10:30am
Fairview Public Library
Songs, fingerplays and socialization. Ages 6mo-2yrs. Registration is required. Call to sign up: 780-835-2613.
Peace River Festival of Trees
November 21 to 25
Peace River Municipal Library
Time for Tots
November 22 from 10am to 11am
Fairview Public Library
Stories, songs, crafts, science and sensory exploration. Ages 3-5. In partnership with the Peace Region Family Resource Network. Registration is required. Call to sign up: 780-835-2613.

Baby Bits
November 22 from 1pm to 2pm
Fairview Public Library
Learn, play and grow with your baby and meet other caregivers during your baby’s first year of life. For expecting parents and those with babies newborn-1yrs. In partnership with the Peace Region Family Resource Network.
Wheels on Ice
November 22 from 1:30pm to 3:30pm
Baytex Energy Centre, Peace River
An opportunity for individuals living with a disability to enjoy winter leisure in a safe space.
Free Glow Skating
November 22 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex
Get ready to glow with excitement. All youth under 18 years of age must wear a helmet. Glow sticks will be handed out to all participants at the MZRM front desk (while supplies last).
Festival of Trees Community Bedtime Story
November 22 from 7pm to 7:30pm
Peace River Municipal Library
Laser Tag
November 23
Drop in from 6pm to 8pm
Fairview Public Library
For ages 8+.
Good Night, Santa
November 23 from 6:30pm to 8pm
Grimshaw Public Library
Our evening story with the man in red. This will be a great opportunity for pictures and an unhurried visit with Santa. For more information, call 780-332-4553, or visit

Festival of Trees Christmas Sing-Along
November 23 from 6:30pm to 8pm
Peace River Municipal Library
Festival of Trees Senior’s Tea
November 24 from 10:30am to 12pm
Peace River Municipal Library
PD Day Camp
November 24
Baytex Energy Centre, Peace River
Secure your spot by registering at
No School Days Youth Dodgeball
November 24 from 1:30pm to 2:30pm
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex, Grimshaw
$2 per participant. For more information call 780-332-4005 ext. 0.
No School Days Public Skating and Shinny Hockey
November 24
Public Skating from 1:30pm to 2:30pm
Shinny Hockey from 2:30pm to 4:30pm
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex, Grimshaw
$2 per participant. All participants 18 years and younger must wear a CSA approved helmet. For more info call 780-332-4005 ext. 0.
Light Up the Park
November 24 from 7pm to 8pm
Riverfront Park, Peace River
Join us for hot chocolate, hot dogs, winter games, lighting up the park and fireworks.
Moonlight Madness
November 24
Town of Fairview

Manning Winter Farmers Market
November 24 from 2pm to 7pm
Manning Legion Hall
Enjoy late night shopping too!
Babysitter’s Safety Course
November 25 from 9am to 4pm
Grimshaw Kennedy Administrative Building (FCSS Programming Room)
Instructor: Lori Lorencz. $30 per participant. Participants must be 11+ to take the course. Course space is limited to 10 participants. Sign up by November 20th. Please register with cash payment at the Mile Zero Regional Multiplex Front Desk. For more info, call Grimshaw Community Services at 780-332-4005 ext. 4.
Festival of Trees Teddy Bear Tea
November 25 from 10:30am to 12pm
Peace River Municipal Library
Art Sprouts
November 25 from 1pm to 2pm
Fairview Fine Arts Centre
For ages 5-7. Crafts, painting, drawing and more. $20. Participants must be accompanied by an adult. Call to register: 780-835-2697.
Xmas Card/Gift Tag Workshop
November 25 from 1pm to 3pm
Fairview Fine Arts Centre
With Carolyn Gerk. Get ready for Christmas and have some festive fun making linocut cards or gift tags. $70 per registrant. For ages 14+. Registration closes on November 18 at 4:30pm. Call 780-835-2697 to register.

Festival of Trees Taste ‘n’ Trees
November 25 from 7pm to 9pm
Peace River Municipal Library
This is a ticketed event.
Free Swim
November 27 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Peace Regional Pool
Sponsored by the AUPE
Food Safety Certification
November 27 & 28 from 8:30am to 4:30pm
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex
This course provides the knowledge required to safely prepare, handle and serve food for the public. Upon successful completion of the exam for this course you will receive Provincial Certification in food safety. To confirm your spot for this in-person course, you must stop by the MZRM front desk, fill out an AHS registration form and pay the $75 fee. No telephone registrations will be accepted. Call 780-332-4005 ext. 0 for more information.
Rhyme Time
November 28 from 10am to 10:30am
Fairview Public Library
Songs, fingerplays and socialization. Ages 6mo-2yrs. Registration is required. Call to sign up: 780-835-2613.
Crossroads Resource Centre and Women’s Shelter Silent Auction
November 28 to December 8
ATB Financial, Fairview
Check out our amazing items up for auction at ATB Financial. Bidding closes on December 8 at 12pm.

Time for Tots
November 29 from 10am to 11am
Fairview Public Library
Stories, songs, crafts, science and sensory exploration. Ages 3-5. In partnership with the Peace Region Family Resource Network. Registration is required. Call to sign up: 780-835-2613.
Baby Bits
November 29 from 1pm to 2pm
Fairview Public Library
Learn, play and grow with your baby and meet other caregivers during your baby’s first year of life. For expecting parents and those with babies newborn-1yrs. In partnership with the Peace Region Family Resource Network.
Kids Konnection
November 29 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Nampa FCSS Office
For children ages 6+. Join us for a variety of interactive activities while connecting with your friends after school. Limited spots available. To register or for more info call 780-322-3954.