Alberta Day
September 1 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm
Lac Cardinal Regional Pioneer Museum
Beef on a bun supper, door prizes and entertainment. Let’s celebrate the day Alberta became a province!
The Kickin’ Cactus 5D Barrel Race
September 1 – 3
Whitelaw, AB
The biggest independently produced barrel race in Northern Alberta! For more info, find “The Kickin’ Cactus” on Facebook.
Peace Regional Pool Shutdown begins
September 2
George Lake Music Festival
September 2 & 3
George Lake, Hwy. 64, South of Hines Creek
Senior Coffee Morning
September 5 at 10am
Nampa Foods
Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea while you reconnect with your neighbours. Sponsored by Nampa FCSS. For more information call 780-322-3954.

Fairview Farmers Market
September 6 from 3:30pm to 6:30pm
Fairview Legion
100% locally made, baked or grown. To become a vendor, email fairviewabfarmersmarket@gmail.com
Grimshaw Fall Parade of Programs
September 7 from 6pm to 8pm
Kennedy Administrative Building
Fairview FCSS Service Fair
September 7
Fairview Legion Hall
Peace River Parade of Programs
September 7 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm
Location TBD
Smoky River Cultural Days/Jours de la Culture de Smoky River
September 8 – 10
Centre Chevaliers, Falher
Local performers, children’s workshops, traditional dancing, artisans’ market, aboriginal art workshops, live entertainment and more.

Annual Kid’s Clothing Bonanza
September 9 from 9am to 1pm
Peace River Alliance Church
Shop for free clothing and enjoy a free pancake breakfast
Harvest Moon Festival
September 9
Downtown Grimshaw
Presented by the Grimshaw Chamber of Commerce and the Town of Grimshaw. Free events starting at 4pm including local performers, open air market, carnival games, bouncy castles and more. Ticketed event with beer gardens open at 7pm and live music by TJ Ruckus and Soul Smash starts and 8pm. Tickets for the live music are $25 for adults, $15 for youth and seniors and ages 10 and under are free. For more info, contact Misty at 780-618-7797 or Amanda at 780-625-4783.
Marche Familial/Family Fun Run
September 10
Doors open at 3:30pm. Run starts at 4pm
St. Isidore Cultural Centre
Supper to follow. $7 for ages 5-12, $13 for ages 13+. For more info, please contact Corey at 780-624-8481 or Melanie at 780-624-8071.
Little Adventurers: Under Construction
September 11 from 10am to 11:30am
Nampa FCSS Office
For ages 0-5 and their parents/guardians. Join us for themed crafts, games and snacks. Limited spots available. Please pre-register. To register, or for more info, call 780-322-3954.

Tech Talk
September 12 at 10am
Nampa FCSS Office
Not sure how to use your smart phone, tablet or laptop? Pop in with your device and get one-on-one assistance. Light refreshments provided. To register, or for more information, call 780-322-3954.
Class 7 Driver Training
September 12, 13 & 14 from 6pm to 8:30pm
Vision Learning Centre, Peace River
Study your Driver’s Learning Exam with an easy-to-understand book. This class will help you feel confident that you understand the rules of the road. Preference will be given to learners over 18. $40. www.visionlearningcentre.com
Fairview Book Club
September 12 at 7pm
Fairview Public Library
Join us for book club on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Come help pick the next book while reviewing the last book. Fairviewlibrary.ab.ca
Fall Lesson and Course Registration
September 13
Peace Regional Pool, Peace River
September Lunch and Learn September 13 from 12pm to 1pm Community Futures, Peace River
Learn how you can get up to 66% off employee training costs with the Canada-Alberta Job Grant. Presented by Deanna Basarab Workforce Consultant, Government of Alberta. Join in person or online via Zoom. Lunch is provided if attending in person. RSVP to sherry@albertacf.com or call 780-624-1161 before Sept. 11 (at noon).

Seniors Coffee Morning
September 13 at 10am
Café du Coin, St. Isidore
Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea while you reconnect with your neighbours. For more information call 780-624-8071.
Kids Konnection
September 13 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Nampa FCSS Office
For children ages 6+. Join us for a variety of interactive activities while connecting with your friends after school. Limited spots available. To register, or for more information, call 780-322-3954.
Fairview Farmers Market
September 13 from 3:30pm to 6:30pm
Fairview Legion
100% locally made, baked or grown. To become a vendor, email fairviewabfarmersmarket@gmail.com
Health and Wellness Fair
September 14 from 10am to 2pm
Ventures Hall, Little Buffalo
Local and regional health and wellness service providers will be on-site to provide resources, screening, education and more. Free BBQ, giveaways and door prizes. For more information, call 780-625-3287 or 780-629-3760.

Intermediate First Aid with CPR-C & AED
September 15 & 16 from 9am to 5pm
Peace Regional Pool, Peace River
Glow Ball Golf Tournament
September 15 at 6pm
Fairview Golf Club
The Fairview & District Chamber of Commerce is pleased to be hosting our 3rd Annual Glow Ball Golf Tournament. Get a team together, dress up in your best 80’s attire and get ready for glow-in-the-dark golf! This just for fun event welcomes all skill levels! 4-Person scramble. $320 per team of four includes 9 holes of golf, glow ball and BBQ burger dinner. Online registration opens on August 4. For more info, visit fairviewchamber.com
Fairview Fall Festival
September 15 & 16
Town of Fairview
Pancake Breakfast
September 16 from 9am to 11am
Lac Cardinal Regional Pioneer Village Museum
Adults are $10, Ages 7-10 are $5, and kids 6 and under are free. Cash only.
Peace River Farmers Market
September 16 from 10am to 2pm
8002 102 Ave., West Hill Peace River
Mother Earth Hike & Exhibit
September 16 at 2pm
Peace River
Meet at the off-leash dog park (end of 99 St.), and hike to the “enchanted forest” North of town with Sharon Krushel, author of Mother Earth: Boreal Beauty of the Peace Country. At 4pm, gather in the large classroom at the ART HUB to see the Mother Earth Exhibit and enjoy refreshments. sharon@motherearthbook.ca | 780-625-6324
Terry Fox Run
September 17
Town of Grimshaw
Senior Coffee Morning
September 19 at 10am
Nampa Foods
Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea while you reconnect with your neighbours. Sponsored by Nampa FCSS. For more information call 780-322-3954.

Fairview Farmers Market
September 20 from 3:30pm to 6:30pm
Fairview Legion
100% locally made, baked or grown. To become a vendor, email fairviewabfarmersmarket@gmail.com
Kids Konnection
September 20 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Nampa FCSS Office
For children ages 6+. Join us for a variety of interactive activities while connecting with your friends after school. Limited spots available. To register, or for more information, call 780-322-3954.
Le Petite Ecole
September 21 at 10am
St. Isidore Cultural Centre
For children ages 0-5 and their parents/guardians. Join us for themed crafts, games and snacks. Please pre-register. To register, or for more info, call 780-624-8071.
Mother Earth & the Fort Vermilion Heritage Centre
September 23 at 7pm
Venue TBD
Wine and Cheese night paired with a museum “Database Dig.” Live music, stories and slides presented by Sharon Krushel, author of Mother Earth - Boreal Beauty of the Peace Country. Contact Steven Simpson at the museum to confirm the venue.
Glow Skate
September 24 from 5pm to 6:30pm
Baytex Energy Centre, Peace River
Fairview Farmers Market
September 27 from 3:30pm to 6:30pm
Fairview Legion
100% locally made, baked or grown. To become a vendor, email fairviewabfarmersmarket@gmail.com
Kids Konnection
September 27 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Nampa FCSS Office
For children ages 6+. Join us for a variety of interactive activities while connecting with your friends after school. Limited spots available. To register, or for more information, call 780-322-3954.

Peace River Farmers Market
September 30 from 10am to 2pm
8002 102 Ave., West Hill Peace River
Family Harvest Dance
September 30 from 7pm to 8:30pm
St. Isidore Gazebo
Join us for a fun evening of social and dance. Light snacks and refreshments will be provided. $10 per family, $5 per individual. For more information, call Corey at 780-624-8481 or Melanie at 780-624-8071.