November | December | January | February

Town of Fairview Outstanding Resident Award
The Outstanding Resident Award aims to celebrate the contribution to life in Fairview made by the work of everyday people in our community that makes Fairview a great place to live. If you go past a property or business and take note of how beautiful it looks, how well-maintained it is or notice a person’s contribution to improving our community, nominate them for an Outstanding Resident Award today by emailing They will be recognized for their actions and entered in a quarterly draw for a chance to win $50 in Chamber Change!
Volunteer of the Month Award Town of Grimshaw
Do you know a person or persons who give generous amounts of their time and energy to the community of Grimshaw and/or surrounding areas? They are called volunteers, and this is your opportunity to have one or all of them honoured for their contributions by submitting a nomination to the Volunteer of the Month program. Nominations are accepted year-round. For more information, please call Grimshaw Community Services at 780-332-4005.
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Town of Fairview
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Grande Prairie and Area are now offering mentoring services to youth ages 6-17 (Littles) in Fairview through our Community Mentoring Program. Other requirements to become a Little are: Family Interview process and training. We’re also seeking new mentors (Bigs) for the Community Program in Fairview and area. Prospective members are over the age of 18, able to complete our interview process, provide a clear Criminal Record Check and a Child Intervention Check. The time commitment is 4-8 hours per month.
Just in Case Program
Northern Sunrise County
Start preparing the documents and information you will need in case you or a family member has a sudden death emergency. The folder holds no documents; instead, it lists where to find your important documents. Supplies and instruction provided free of charge. One-on-one sessions will be offered by appointment, or you can request a copy of the documentation to fill out on your own. 780-625-3287
Block Party Program
Northern Sunrise County
Bring your community together for a picnic, BBQ, potluck, or interactive activity to build new relationships and enhance your neighbourhood. You could receive up to $5,000 to host a block party in your community. To obtain a Block Party Planning Kit and application package, please call 780-625-3287 or email

Christmas Gift Card Program
Nampa/Northern Sunrise County (NSC) Community Services is once again organizing the Christmas Gift Card Program to help families and individuals in need during the Christmas Holidays.
In need of assistance? If you are a resident of NSC or the Village of Nampa in need of a helping hand this Christmas season or know someone who needs help, visit or call your local Nampa/NSC Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) office to nominate others or to find out how you can benefit from our confidential Christmas Gift Card Program.
Want to donate? Would you like to help make Christmas brighter for those who need some extra help? If so, please visit or call your local Nampa/NSC FCSS office. Deadline to donate or register is December 9, 2022. 780-625-3287
Peace Region Family Resource Network
Baytex Energy Centre (upstairs)
The FRN is an information centre for families with children aged 0-18. We offer a variety of free programs that are open to everyone including home visitation (0-6), parent education (0-18), developmental screenings (0-6) and information/referrals. Our FRN hub is open five days a week from 9am to 4:30pm. 780-624-0770 |
Building Stronger Families Home Visitation Program
Serving Peace River and Area
The Home Visitation Program works together with families to support and nurture your child’s development. Regular home visits are engaging, interactive and designed to include both the caregiver(s) and the child. Visits are weekly or bi-weekly and can be made in-home, virtually or in the community. This program supports pre-natal families and families with children ages 0-6. This program is voluntary, confidential, free of charge, supportive, flexible and interactive. 780-624-0770
Home Support Program
The Nampa/Northern Sunrise County Home Support Program is designed to promote well-being in our region by assisting in the household enabling ill, disabled or frail people to remain in their own homes. Services include: Housekeeping/homemaking services, menu planning and meal preparation, limited respite care (max 6 hrs. per week), assistance with shopping and other home management services as deemed appropriate. To arrange an assessment or for more information, please call 780-625-3287
Career and Employment Resource Centre
Mall on Main, Fairview
Free employee and employer services 780-835-5999 |
Brave Culture
9700 113 St. Fairview
Personal training, group fitness classes, yoga, workshops, health coaching and 24-hour gym.
Tourism Information Centre
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex, Grimshaw
If you require any local or regional tourism information, please stop by the Mile Zero Regional Multiplex at 4609 50th St. and our friendly front desk personnel would be more than willing to help you out. 780-332-4005 ext. 0
Older Adult Wellness Kits
Available ongoing for Northern Sunrise County and Village of Nampa residents. The kits aim to inspire and empower purposeful living and community connection to combat the negative effects of social isolation. Kits include a selection of local and regional resources, mindful activities and promotional material intended to foster meaningful connection. To obtain a kit or for more information, please call 780-625-3287
Community Pantry Program
Nampa/Northern Sunrise County Community Services has food collection bins at their local office spaces to assist with collecting and dispersing non-perishable goods to individuals and families in need. If you need assistance, please contact your local office.
Cadotte Lake: 780-629-2477
St. Isidore: 780-624-8071
General Inquiries: 780-625-3287
Baytex Energy Centre Indoor Track
Open daily from 7am to 10pm
Baytex Energy Centre, Peace River
$2 (punch cards available). Only non-marking shoes permitted. Track changes direction daily! 780-624-3204
Manning Pottery Guild
106 4th Ave SW, Manning
Come try your hand at pottery. The Manning Pottery Guild provides a creative outlet for community members to explore pottery. The guild is eager to accommodate both experienced potters and beginners looking to try something new. Out membership base has grown substantially in a few short months. As a result, we have updated equipment and hosted workshops. We are always looking to make our studio space more accommodating. Bring your friend for a night of fun or join the guild as a member for discounted rates in the studio. We are welcoming new members and drop-ins (18+) at this time. For more info, join our Facebook group: Manning Pottery Guild or visit our website
Odd Job Squad
Town of Grimshaw
Are you getting behind on your house or yard work and looking for casual help? Are you looking to make extra money and help out around the community? If your answer is yes, then register with the Odd Job Squad. The Odd Job Squad is a list of individuals willing to do summer work such as lawn mowing, babysitting, etc. It’s also a list for employers and community members looking for some occasional help to get the work done. Contact Grimshaw Community Services at 780-332-4005 ext. 04 to register.
Kid Swimming Lessons
Peace Regional Pool
Kid swimming lessons are provided for children aged 6 months old and up. We offer classes on Saturdays or during the weekday. Register here:
Adult Swimming Lessons
Peace Regional Pool
Our adult swim program is perfect for all swim levels. We offer both beginner classes for adults who don’t know how to swim as well as provide technique and fine tuning of strokes for those who are experienced swimmers. Register here:
Seniors Check-In Line
Fairview & Area
Daily check-in line (we listen every day to know you are okay), wellness events, monthly seniors’ community kitchen: Fairview Legion on the 2nd Friday of the month at 10:30am, and Hines Creek Senior Centre on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 10:30am. Donations gratefully accepted. 780-835-8873 | 780-835-3859 | 780-835-2476
Adopt a Grandparent Program
The Town of Peace River Adopt a Grandparent Program is returning to help seniors who may be feeling isolated during the holiday season. Holiday gift bags will be delivered to seniors living in Peace River. Gift bags will be available for pick up Monday, November 14 at the Town of Peace River. Filled bags must be dropped off by Thursday, December 15 to ensure they can be delivered on time. Due to allergy and diet restrictions no food items are allowed. If you would like to bring cheer to a senior this holiday season, please contact Amina Usman at 780-624-1000 extension 1030 or email: to register.
Peace Regional Pool Rentals
October to December rentals are open for booking. All rentals are booked on a first come, first serve basis. Payment is required at time of booking. Book your rental by calling the pool at 780-624-3720.
Cooking with Kids
Saturdays once a month
Family Resource Network Hub, Baytex Energy Centre
This virtual program explores fun and unique recipe from around the world. Join our facilitators virtually as you and your children follow along from the comfort of your own kitchen. This program is great for ages 2 and up. Please call 780-624-0770 to register.
Swimming Lessons
Peace Regional Pool
Fall swimming lessons and courses are open for registration. We offer swimming lessons for ages 4 months to adults. Go to to book online or call the pool at 780-624-3720.
Intergenerational Program
Town of Grimshaw
Grimshaw FCSS and Holy Family Grade One students have partnered up to offer an Intergenerational Program, which operates twice a month throughout the school year. Intergenerational programming provides an opportunity to connect youth with seniors to share, learn and engage with each other. If you are a senior with free time and would like to take part in our program, please call Misty at Grimshaw FCSS at 780-332-4005 ext. 4 for details.
Learn to Read
Vision Learning Centre, Peace River
Many adults struggle to read. We offer private lessons for adults learning to read for $5 an hour. Call us Monday to Friday (9am to 4pm) to make an appointment. 780-624-4220
Basic Budgeting
Vision Learning Centre, Peace River
Learn how to budget your money. $30 for 3 1-hour sessions. Available on request.
ASD Networking and Support Group
1st Monday of the Month at 7pm
Family Resource Network Hub, Baytex Energy Centre
This is a networking and support group for parents and caregivers of children and young adults on the Autism Spectrum. Support, resources and strategies will be shared in an understanding and supportive way. For more information or to register, please call 780-624-0770.
Foster Parent and Kinship Care Group
3rd Monday of the Month at 6pm
Family Resource Network Hub, Baytex Energy Centre
This is a networking and support group for foster parents and kinship care providers. Support, resources and strategies will be shared in an understanding and supportive way. For more information or to register, please call 780-624-0770.
Parent and Child Skate
Mondays from 10:30am to 12pm
Baytex Energy Centre, Peace River
Valid until Jan. 2. Subject to change. Drop-in fee applies.
Public Skating
Mondays from 12pm to 1pm
Thursday from 12pm to 1pm
Sundays from 5pm to 6:30pm
Baytex Energy Centre, Peace River
Open skate for all ages. Valid until Jan. 2. Subject to change. Drop-in fee applies.
Drop-In Volleyball
Mondays from 7pm to 9pm
Sundays from 3pm to 5pm
Baytex Energy Centre, Peace River
Until Jan. 2. Subject to change. Drop-in fee applies. Space is limited. We operate on a first-come, first-serve basis with sign-in 15 min. prior to program start. Only non-marking shoes permitted. 780-624-3204
Indoor Walking Program
Mon. and Wed. from 9am to 10am
St. Isidore Cultural Centre Gymnasium
Enjoy a free hour of walking and socializing. Bring indoor shoes, a water bottle and a friend.
Indoor Walking
Mon., Tues., Thurs. and Fri. from 8:30am to 3:30pm
Fairview Fairplex Arena
Until Spring 2023. Dress for 0 to -5 degree Celsius.
Adult Drop-in Pickleball
Mon., Wed. and Fri. from 7pm to 9pm
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex
Drop in fee: $5 per adult, $3 per senior. Clean shoes are required. Subject to change.
780-332-4005 ext. 0
Seniors Free Walking Program
Mon. and Thurs. from 10:30am to 11:30am (until April 20)
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex
Sponsored by the Town of Grimshaw
780-332-4005 ext. 01
Book Club
Every other Tuesday at 7pm
Fairview Public Library
Seniors Coffee Morning
Tuesdays at 10am
Café du Coin, St. Isidore
Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea while you reconnect with your neighbours. 780-624-8071
Shinny Hockey (18+)
Tuesdays from 12pm to 1pm
Fridays from 12pm to 1pm
Baytex Energy Centre, Peace River
Full equipment required. Valid until Jan. 2. Subject to change. Drop-in fee applies.
Drop-In Soccer
Tuesdays from 8pm to 10pm
Friday from 8pm to 10pm
Baytex Energy Centre, Peace River
Valid until Jan. 2. Subject to change. Drop-in fee applies. Space is limited. We operate on a first-come, first-serve basis with sign-in 15 minutes prior to a program start. Only non-marking shoes permitted. 780-624-3204
Open Gym (All ages multisport)
Tues. and Thurs. from 12pm to 1pm
Fri. from 3pm to 5pm
Sat. from 6pm to 8pm
Sun. from 12:30pm to 2:30pm
Baytex Energy Centre, Peace River
Until Jan. 2. Subject to change. Drop-in fee applies. Space is limited. We operate on a first-come, first-serve basis with sign-in 15 minutes prior to a program start. Only non-marking shoes permitted. 780-624-3204
Drop-In Pickleball
Tues. from 9:30am to 11:30am and 1pm to 3pm
Thurs. from 9am to 11am
Sun. from 6pm to 8pm
Baytex Energy Centre, Peace River
Until Jan. 2. Subject to change. Drop-in fee applies. Space is limited. We operate on a first-come, first-serve basis with sign-in 15 minutes prior to a program start. Only non-marking shoes permitted. 780-624-3204
Open Gym Nights
Tues. from 5pm to 7pm (starting Jan. 3)
Mamowintowin Hall, Cadotte Lake
For youth ages 13-17. Join Cadotte Lake Community Services for sports, team building activities, snacks and more. 780-629-2477
Aqua Zumba
Tues. & Thurs. from 7pm to 8pm (until Jan. 1)
Peace Regional Pool
Come for an instructor-led Zumba class in the water! For cost and more info, please visit
Drop-In Badminton
Wednesdays from 9am to 11am
Sundays from 6pm to 8pm
Baytex Energy Centre, Peace River
Until Jan. 2. Subject to change. Drop-in fee applies. Space is limited. We operate on a first-come, first-serve basis with sign-in 15 minutes prior to a program start. Only non-marking shoes permitted. 780-624-3204
Mini Movers
Wednesdays from 10am to 11am
Baytex Energy Centre
For ages 0-5 and their parents. Drop-in fee applies. Get your little ones moving with a variety of toys and equipment. Until Jan. 2. Subject to change. Only non-marking shoes permitted.
Music and more
Wednesdays from 2pm to 3:30pm (until Nov. 30)
Worsley Fire Hall
Join Marilyn from the Peace Region Family Resource Network for a musical adventure through songs, instruments, stories, art and sensory play. 780-624-0770
After School Activities
Wednesdays from 3:30pm to 4:45pm (until Dec. 14)
Grimshaw Municipal Library
Students, join us at the library right after school for crafts and activities. Free!
Free Indoor Soccer
Wednesdays from 6pm to 7pm
EE Oliver School, Fairview
For grades 1-6. 780-330-9000
Potluck Supper
3rd Wednesday of the Month at 5:30pm
Golden Age Drop-In Centre, Fairview
Music to follow.
ADHD Networking and Support Group
1st Thursday of the Month at 7pm
Family Resource Network Hub, Baytex Energy Centre
This is a networking and support group for parents and caregivers of children and young adults with ADHD. Support, resources and strategies will be shared in an understanding and supportive way. For more information, or to register, please call 780-624-0770.

Drop-In Basketball
Thursdays from 8pm to 10pm
Fridays from 8pm to 10pm
Saturdays from 12:30pm to 2:30pm
Baytex Energy Centre, Peace River
Valid until Jan 2. Subject to change. Drop-in fee applies. Space is limited. We operate on a first-come, first-serve basis with sign-in 15 minutes prior to a program start. Only non-marking shoes permitted. 780-624-3204
Board Games
Saturdays from 12pm to 4pm (until Dec. 17)
Grimshaw Municipal Library
Choose a board game from our selection to play with your friends and family!
Free Walking Program
Sundays from 10am to 8pm
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex
Indoor shoes are required by all users. Sponsored by the Town of Grimshaw. 780-332-4005 ext. 01
CNRL Free Sponsored Family Skating
Sundays from 2pm to 3:30pm
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex
Helmets are mandatory for all youth under 18. Subject to change. Sponsored by Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 780-332-4005 ext. 0
Hobby Swap
November 1 to 5
Peace River Municipal Library
Clean out unused hobby items, find great new-to-you hobby items or both. Library open during regular hours. 780-624-4076
Breakfast with the Guys
November 2 from 7am to 9am
Dunvegan Inn and Suites
Explore the root causes of domestic violence in order to gain a better understanding of how and why violence happens. Featuring former Calgary Stampeder Anthony Parker. This free breakfast event is open to anyone who wants to learn how to prevent violence in their community. 780-835-5550
Grant Writing
November 2 from 10am to 3pm
via Zoom
$120. Learn how to identify the purpose of your organization, identify funding sources, tips for writing your proposal, how to maintain evaluation for the funders and maintain your relationship. Instructor: Kelly Schram. To register call or text 780-772-9487
Kids Konnection
November 2 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Nampa FCSS Office
For children ages 6+. Join us for a variety of interactive activities while reconnecting with your friends after school. Limited spots available. To register or for more info, call 780-322-3954.
Adult Destination Cooking
November 2 from 5pm to 7pm
Mamowintowin Hall, Cadotte Lake
For ages 16+. Join us for an interactive cooking class and learn how to make authentic cuisine. Instructions and supplies provided. 780-629-2477

Manning No Guilt Book Club
November 2 at 7pm
Manning Municipal Library
November theme: Reading Goals
Bronze Medallion
November 4 from 4pm to 9pm
November 5 & 6 from 8am to 4pm
Peace Regional Pool
Must be 13 or older and have completed Standard First Aid with CPR Level C. Please bring lunch, swimsuit, towel and goggles (opt.). $132. For more info, or to register, visit
80th Anniversary Bonspiel
November 4 to 6
Peace River Curling Club
Join us for a weekend of curling and cocktails to celebrate the club’s 80 years! Entry fee: $240 experienced division or $160 for beginner/junior division. 780-624-2861
Dungeons and Dragons
November 5 from 11am to 2pm
Peace River Municipal Library
Beginners and experts welcome. Pre-made characters available.
Kick Off to Christmas
November 6 from 11am to 4pm
Chateau Nova Hotel, Peace River
Come shopping with your friends and family. Support small businesses & your local food bank!
Free Swim
November 6 from 3pm to 5:30pm
Fairview Aquatic Centre
Sponsored by the Fairview Inn
Free Swim
November 7 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Peace Regional Pool
Sponsored by Manzer Environmental
Passport to Christmas Launch Date
November 7
Town of Fairview

Senior Coffee Morning
November 8 from 10am to 11am
Farmers Restaurant
Stop in for a free cup of coffee or tea and reconnect with your neighbours. Sponsored by Nampa FCSS. 780-322-3954
Peace River Municipal Library Bookmobile
November 8 from 1:30pm to 2:30pm
Heritage Tower & Points West, Peace River
We pick up and drop off materials every four weeks. Membership is free and gives you access to books, audiobooks, magazines, movies, video games, and more! Contact Louis or Anne at the Library if you’re interested in joining the service: 780-624-4076
Senior’s Health and Wellness Fair
November 9 from 1pm to 4pm
Chateau Nova, Peace River
Learn about programs and services available to seniors. Visit booths, ask questions about your health, and win fantastic prizes. Free admission. Light snacks will be provided.
Fall Prevention Presentation
November 9 at 1:30pm
St. Isidore Cultural Centre
Join Alberta Health Services Promotions for a presentation on fall prevention. Light snacks and refreshments will be served. 780-624-8071
Kids Konnection
November 9 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Nampa FCSS Office
For children ages 6+. Join us for a variety of interactive activities while reconnecting with your friends after school. Limited spots available. To register or for more info, call 780-322-3954.
Tiny Chefs
November 9 from 5pm to 7pm
Mamowintowin Hall, Cadotte Lake
For ages 4-15 years and their parents/guardians. Join us for an evening of family connection and baking. Instruction and supplies provided. 780-629-2477
Talking Buddies
November 9 from 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Peace River Municipal Library
Join our multicultural group to practice English and learn about other cultures. In partnership with Vision Learning Centre. No registration required.
November 10 at 7:30pm
Manning Senior Star Centre
Light Lunch. Everyone welcome. $2. Cash prizes.
No School Day Public Skating & Shinny Hockey
November 11
Skating from 1pm to 2:30pm
Hockey from 2:30pm to 4:30pm
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex, Grimshaw
Subject to change due to rentals. All individuals must wear the required equipment to enter the ice surface. $2. 780-332-4005 ext. 0

No School Days Field House Youth Time
November 11 from 1pm to 4:30pm
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex
$2. 780-332-4005 ext. 0
Nerf Wars
November 11 from 4:45pm to 6pm
Peace River Municipal Library
For ages 9+. Use one of our Nerf guns or bring your own! Waiver is required. Monthly sign up on website is recommended. Adults are welcome.
Rainbow Club Public GSA
November 12 from 11am to 1pm
Peace River Municipal Library
Game Day
November 12 from 11am to 2pm
Peace River Municipal Library
Play board games and enjoy snacks with friends new and old. No registration required.
Gallery Reopening November 12 from 10am to 4pm Peace River Museum, Archives and Mackenzie Centre
Stop by and see our redone gallery with new exhibits and play space for the kids!
Lego Builder’s Club
November 12 from 1pm to 3:45pm
Fairview Public Library
For creative kids of all ages. Free build time and creative building challenges.
Little Adventurers: Looney Tunes
November 14 from 10am to 11:30am
Nampa FCSS Office
For ages 0-5 and their parents/guardians. Join us for Looney Tunes-themed crafts, games and snacks. Limited spots available. Please pre-register. To register, or for more info, please call 780-322-3954.

Whiskey Tasting
November 16
NAR Train Station, Peace River
Light refreshments available. This is an 18+ event. Tickets will be for sale at the Peace River Museum in the beginning of November. Visit for more info or call 780-624-4261.
Work-It Wednesday November 16 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm Peace River Municipal Library
With Sharon Lee, Job Coach, Rupertsland Institute. You're invited to join Sharon as she discusses career decision making, employment skills, employment maintenance, employee and employer rights and more.
Sensational Sensory Family Night
November 18 from 5pm to 7pm
Family Resource Network Hub, Baytex Energy Centre
Join the Family Resource Network for a fun evening of sensory play activities for children ages 0-14. A light supper will be provided. Please register by calling the FRN at 780-624-0770.
Grimshaw Christmas Market
November 19 from 10am to 4pm
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex
$2 admission fee for ages 12+. The 2022 Christmas Market is a fundraiser for the Grimshaw Splash Park Project. Tracy: 780-625-9778 | Misty: 780-618-7797
Dungeons and Dragons
November 19 from 11am to 2pm
Peace River Municipal Library
Beginners and experts welcome. Pre-made characters available. No registration required.
Class 7 Driver Training
November 19 & 20
Vision Learning Centre, Peace River
Our practical and straightforward lessons will help you take the right steps to get on the road faster. $30. Call 780-624-4220 to register.
Parent and Teen Driver Safety Info Night
November 20 at 4pm
Family Resource Network Hub, Baytex Energy Centre
Join the AHS, the RCMP & the Family Resource Network as we learn about creating safe driving practices, the rules of the road & how to set up a positive approach to the transition of becoming a young driver. This info night is ideal for parents & teens aged 14-17. Pizza supper will be provided. To register, call 780-624-0770.
Fairview Festival of Trees
November 20 to 26
Dunvegan Inn and Suites
Proceeds go to the Fairview & Area Palliative Care Society. | 780-835-3195
Free Swim
November 21 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Peace Regional Pool
Sponsored by AUPE
Senior Coffee Morning
November 22 from 10am to 11am
Farmers Restaurant
Stop in for a free cup of coffee or tea & reconnect with your neighbours. Sponsored by Nampa FCSS. 780-322-3954

Grief and Loss Workshop
November 23 from 9am to 3:30pm
Mamowintowin Hall, Cadotte Lake
Join us for an interactive presentation with definitions, facts and myths, cycles of grief, helping your child deal with grief & grief work strategies. Lunch, snacks & refreshments will be provided. In partnership with NNADAP. To register, please call 780-625-3287.
La Petite Ecole: Let it Snow
November 23 from 10am to 11:30am
St. Isidore Cultural Centre
For ages 0-5 and their parent/guardians. Please join us for winter themed crafts, games and snacks. Parent/guardian supervision required. To register or for more information, please call 780-624-8071.
Kids Konnection
November 23 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Nampa FCSS Office
For children ages 6+. Join us for a variety of interactive activities while reconnecting with your friends after school. Limited spots available. To register or for more info, call 780-322-3954.
Kids Explorers
November 23 from 4pm to 6pm
Mamowintowin Hall, Cadotte Lake
For ages 4-12. Join us for themed crafts and interactive activities with your peers. 780-629-2477
Talking Buddies
November 23 from 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Peace River Municipal Library
Join our multicultural group to practice English and learn about other cultures. In partnership with Vision Learning Centre. No registration required.
Christmas Hanging Basket Workshop
November 24 at 6:30pm
McKinney Hall, Three Creeks
For ages 18+. Join us for an evening of connecting and building a Christmas-themed hanging basket. $10 per person. Limited spots available. Please pre-register. Registration opens on Nov. 7.
November 24 at 7:30pm
Manning Senior Star Centre
Light Lunch. Everyone welcome. $2. Cash prizes.
PD Day Camp
November 25 from 8:30am to 4:30pm
Baytex Energy Centre, Peace River
Looking for a fun place for your kids on PD Day? Register them for a full day of activities at the Baytex! $20 per child. Ideal for ages 6-11. To register visit
No School Day Public Skating & Shinny Hockey
November 25
Skating from 1pm to 2:30pm | Hockey from 2:30pm to 4:30pm
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex, Grimshaw
Subject to change. All individuals must wear the required equipment to enter the ice surface. $2. 780-332-4005 ext. 0
No School Days Field House Youth Time
November 25 from 1pm to 4:30pm
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex
$2. For more info, please call 780-332-4005 ext. 0.
Nerf Wars
November 25 from 4:45pm to 6pm
Peace River Municipal Library
For ages 9+. Use one of our Nerf guns or bring your own! Waiver is required. Monthly sign up on website is recommended. Adults are welcome.
Bronze Cross
November 25 - 27 from 8pm to 4pm
Peace Regional Pool
Must be 13 or older and have completed Standard First Aid with CPR Level C. Please bring lunch, swimsuit, towel and goggles (opt.). $165.60. For more information or to register, please visit
Fairview Farmers Market
November 25 from 4pm to 8pm
Fairview Legion Hall
100% locally made, baked and grown

Light Up the Park
November 25 at 7pm
Riverfront Park, Peace River
Kick off your holiday season by joining us for carolling, complimentary hot dogs, hot chocolate, fireworks and the lighting of the town’s Christmas lights! We welcome everyone to this FREE event.
Moonlight Madness and Vendor Fair
November 25
Town of Fairview
PD Day Camp
November 25 from 8:30am to 4:30pm
Baytex Energy Centre
For ages 6-11.
Register at
Game Day
November 26 from 11am to 2pm
Peace River Municipal Library
Play board games and enjoy snacks with friends new and old. No registration required.
Lego Builder’s Club
November 26 from 1pm to 3:45pm
Fairview Public Library
For creative kids of all ages. Free build time and creative building challenges.
Traffic Light Party November 26 from 8pm to 1am Sharks Peace River
with DJ RC. $10. Door prizes, silent auction and person auction. Prizes for best automotive inspired costume. Drink specials. 18+.
Food Safety Certification
November 28 to 29 from 8:30am to 4:30pm
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex
This 2-day Food Safety Alberta Certification Course taught by your local Public Health Inspector is coming to Grimshaw! This course provides the knowledge required to safely prepare, handle and serve food for the public. Upon successful completion of the exam for this course you’ll receive Provincial Certification in Food Safety. $75. Register in-person at the MZRM (no telephone registrations accepted).
780-332-4005 ext. 0
Concussions 101
November 28 from 7pm to 8pm
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex
An introductions to concussions and learning the importance of early identification and management. A North Peace Athletics Society event with presenter Sylvia Ciurysek. $5. Please preregister: and please indicate whether you’re registering as an adult or youth.
You, Me and a Christmas Tree
December date TBA
Manning Municipal Library
Trivia Night December 1 at 6pm Fairview Public Library
Free and fun for everyone! Dinner and drinks provided: taco bar!
Call to register your team of 4-6: 780-835-2613

Something Rotten – Peace Players Musical December 2, 3, 9 and 10 at 8pm
Athabasca Hall, Peace River
Tickets available at the Quality Inn Sawridge
Festival of Mini Trees
December 2 – 4
Grimshaw Shared Space Facility Atrium
780-332-4553 |
Pancake Breakfast with Santa December 3 from 9am to 12pm Berwyn Golden Age Centre
Admission is by donation with 100% of proceeds benefitting the Secret Santa for a Senior program. Breakfast sponsored by Peace RIver MNP.
Dungeons and Dragons
December 3 from 11am to 2pm
Peace River Municipal Library
Beginners and experts welcome. Pre-made characters available. No registration required.
Holiday Tea
December 3 at 2pm
NAR Train Station, Peace River
Enjoy festive tea and locally made treats. Tickets go on sale November 16 at the Peace River Museum. 780-624-4261

Dixonville Light Up
December 3 at 7pm Dixonville Outdoor Rink
Keep warm by bonfire, deck out your cocoa at the hot cocoa bar, and hit the rink! the Visit for more info.
2nd Annual Christmas Carnival and Santa Parade
December 3
Town of Fairview
Free Swim
December 4 from 3pm to 5:30pm
Fairview Aquatic Centre
Sponsored by the Burnt River Recreation Society
Belle Centre Annual Christmas Market December 4 from 11am to 4pm Belle Petroleum Centre, Peace River
Gift bag for the first 100 patrons, pictures with Santa from 12pm to 3pm, kids game corner, door prize and multiple draws and more!
Free Swim
December 5 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Peace Regional Pool
Sponsored by Source Energy Services
Senior Coffee Morning
December 6 from 10am to 11am
Farmers Restaurant
Stop in for a free cup of coffee or tea and reconnect with your neighbours. Sponsored by Nampa FCSS. 780-322-3954
Peace River Municipal Library Bookmobile
December 6 from 1:30pm to 2:30pm
Heritage Tower and Points West, Peace River
We pick up and drop off materials every four weeks. Membership is free and gives you access to books, audiobooks, magazines, movies, video games, and more! Contact Louis or Anne at the Library if you’re interested in joining the service. 780-624-4076

Tiny Chefs
December 6 from 5pm to 7pm
Mamowintowin Hall, Cadotte Lake
For ages 4-15 years and their parents/guardians. Join us for an evening of family connection and baking. Instruction and supplies provided. 780-629-2477
Standard First Aid/CPR Level C
December 6 – 7 from 9am to 5pm
Peace Regional Pool
Please bring lunch and snacks. $157.57+GST. For more info, or to register, visit
Kids Konnection
December 7 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Nampa FCSS Office
For children ages 6+. Join us for a variety of interactive activities while reconnecting with your friends after school. Limited spots available. To register, or for more info, call 780-322-3954.
Parent’s Night Out – Christmas Edition
December 7 from 6pm to 8:30pm
Baytex Energy Centre, Peace River
Parents! Drop your kids off to enjoy some holiday crafting and a festive movie while you tackle December’s to-do list! $5 per child. Drop ins welcome if space is available.
Register at
Talking Buddies
December 7 from 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Peace River Municipal Library
Join our multicultural group to practice English and learn about other cultures. In partnership with Vision Learning Centre. No registration required.
December 8 at 7:30pm
Manning Senior Star Centre
Light Lunch. Everyone welcome. $2. Cash prizes.
Senior Christmas Wreath Workshop
December 9 from 4pm to 6pm
Mamowintowin Hall, Cadotte Lake
For ages 55+. Join Cadotte Lake Community Services for an evening of crafting traditional Christmas wreaths. Supplies and instruction provided at no cost. To register or for more information call 780-629-2477.
Nerf Wars
December 9 from 4:45pm to 6pm
Peace River Municipal Library
For ages 9+. Use one of our Nerf guns or bring your own! Waiver is required. Monthly sign up on website is recommended. Adults are welcome.
Pajama Party Night at the FRN
December 9 from 5pm to 7pm
Family Resource Network Hub, Baytex Energy Centre
The whole family is invited to wear their favourite jammies and join us for a holiday fun night at the FRN. A light supper and viewing of the classic version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas will put us all in the holiday mood. This is a registered event. Please call 780-624-0770 to sign up.
Fairview Moonlight Madness “Take Two”
December 9
Town of Fairview
Standard First Aid/CPR Level C Recertification
December 10 from 9am to 4pm
Peace Regional Pool
Must have valid SFA/CPR certification. Please bring lunch, snacks and your current SFA/CPR certification card. $116.57+GST. For more information or to register, please visit
Rainbow Club Public GSA
December 10 from 11am to 1pm
Peace River Municipal Library
Dungeons and Dragons
December 10 from 11am to 2pm
Peace River Municipal Library
Beginners and experts welcome. Pre-made characters available. No registration required.
Game Day
December 10 from 11am to 2pm
Peace River Municipal Library
Play board games and enjoy snacks with friends new and old. No registration required.

Skate with Santa
December 11 from 5pm to 6:30pm
Baytex Energy Centre, Peace River
Santa is making a special trip to Peace River. Lace up your skates and join him for Christmas music, treats and fun on the ice.
Little Adventurers: Tinsel Toes
December 12 from 10am to 11:30am
Nampa FCSS Office
For ages 0-5 and their parents/guardians. Join us for Christmas-themed crafts, games and snacks. Limited spots available. Please pre-register. To register, or for more info, please call 780-322-3954.
Christmas Village Workshop
December 13 from 5pm to 7pm
Mamowintowin Hall, Cadotte Lake
For youth ages 12-17. Build your own Christmas house using a bird house and various Christmas decorations. Supplies and instructions will be provided at no cost. To register or for more information call 780-629-2477.
La Petite Ecole: Noel
December 14 from 10am to 11:30am
St. Isidore Cultural Centre
For ages 0-5 and their parent/guardians. Please join us for Christmas-themed crafts, games and snacks. Parent/guardian supervision required. To register or for more information, please call 780-624-8071.
Kids Konnection
December 14 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Nampa FCSS Office
For children ages 6+. Join us for a variety of interactive activities while reconnecting with your friends after school. Limited spots available. To register or for more info, call 780-322-3954.
Fairview Farmers Market
December 14 from 4pm to 8pm
Fairview Legion Hall
100% locally made, baked and grown
Adult Destination Cooking
December 14 from 5pm to 7pm
Mamowintowin Hall, Cadotte Lake
For ages 16+. Join us for an interactive cooking class and learn how to make authentic cuisine. Instructions and supplies provided. 780-629-2477
Parent’s Night Out – Christmas Edition
December 14 from 6pm to 8:30pm
Baytex Energy Centre, Peace River
Parents! Drop your kids off to enjoy some holiday crafting and a festive movie while you tackle December’s to-do list! $5 per child. Drop ins welcome if space is available.
Register at
Family Gingerbread Houses
December 15 from 4pm to 6pm
Mamowintowin Hall, Cadotte Lake
Build a gingerbread house with your family. To register or for more information call 780-629-2477.

Manning Farmers Market Christmas Craft Fair
December 16
Battle River Ag Hall, Manning
Babysitting Course
December 17 from 9am to 5pm
Peace Regional Pool
Must be 11 years or older. Please bring a lunch and snacks. $58.14 for ages 11 to 13 and $55.37+GST for ages 14 and older. For more information or to register, please visit
Community Christmas Gala
December 17
Battle River Ag Hall
Proceed go to a new clubhouse at Condy Meadows.
Dungeons and Dragons
December 17 from 11am to 2pm
Peace River Municipal Library
Beginners and experts welcome. Pre-made characters available. No registration required.
Game Day
December 17 from 11am to 2pm
Peace River Municipal Library
Play board games and enjoy snacks with friends new and old. No registration required.
Santa Skate
December 18 from 1pm to 3pm
Nampa and District Complex
Join Nampa Community Services for a free skate with Santa Claus. 780-322-3954
Passport to Christmas Grand Prize Draw
December 20
Town of Fairview
Senior Coffee Morning
December 20 from 10am to 11am
Farmers Restaurant
Stop in for a free cup of coffee or tea & reconnect with your neighbours. Sponsored by Nampa FCSS. 780-322-3954
Kids Konnection
December 21 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Nampa FCSS Office
For children ages 6+. Join us for a variety of interactive activities while reconnecting with your friends after school. Limited spots. To register, call 780-322-3954.
Kids Explorers
December 21 from 4pm to 6pm
Mamowintowin Hall, Cadotte Lake
For ages 4-12. Join us for themed crafts and interactive activities with your peers.

Senior Christmas Tea
December 22 from 2pm to 4pm
Café du Coin, St. Isidore
Join St. Isidore FCSS for an afternoon Christmas-themed tea. 780-624-8071
December 22 at 7:30pm
Manning Senior Star Centre
Light Lunch. Everyone welcome. $2. Cash prizes.
No School Day Public Skating & Shinny Hockey
December 23
Skating from 1pm to 2:30pm | Hockey from 2:30pm to 4:30pm
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex, Grimshaw
Subject to change due to rentals. All individuals must wear the required equipment to enter the ice surface. $2. 780-332-4005 ext. 0
No School Days Field House Youth Time
December 23 from 1pm to 4:30pm
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex
$2. 780-332-4005 ext. 0
No School Days Field House Youth Time *Xmas Break*
December 27 to 30
Daily from 1pm to 4:30pm
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex
$2. 780-332-4005 ext. 0
No School Day Public Skating & Shinny Hockey *Xmas Break*
December 27 to 31
Skating from 1pm to 2:30pm | Hockey from 2:30pm to 4:30pm
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex, Grimshaw
Subject to change due to rentals. All individuals must wear the required equipment to enter the ice surface. $2. 780-332-4005 ext. 0
No School Day Public Skating & Shinny Hockey *Xmas Break*
January 2 - 6
Skating from 1pm to 2:30pm | Hockey from 2:30pm to 4:30pm
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex, Grimshaw
Subject to change due to rentals. All individuals must wear the required equipment to enter the ice surface. $2. 780-332-4005 ext. 0
No School Days Field House Youth Time *Xmas Break*
January 2 - 6
Daily from 1pm to 4:30pm
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex
$2. 780-332-4005 ext. 0
Peace River Municipal Library Bookmobile
January 3 from 1:30pm to 2:30pm
Heritage Tower & Points West, Peace River
We pick up and drop off materials every four weeks. Membership is free and gives you access to books, audiobooks, magazines, movies, video games, and more! Contact Louis or Anne at the Library if you’re interested in joining the service.
Community Skate
January 5 from 4pm to 6pm
Mamowintowin Hall Outdoor Skating Rink, Cadotte Lake
Grab your skates & join us for an evening of skating.

Rainbow Club Public GSA
January 7 from 11am to 1pm
Peace River Municipal Library
Senior Coffee Morning
January 10 from 10am to 11am
Farmers Restaurant
Stop in for a free cup of coffee or tea and reconnect with your neighbours. Sponsored by Nampa FCSS. 780-322-3954
Tiny Chefs
January 11 from 5pm to 7pm
Mamowintowin Hall, Cadotte Lake
For ages 4-15 years and their parents/guardians. Join us for an evening of family connection and baking. Instruction and supplies provided. 780-629-2477
January 12 at 7:30pm
Manning Senior Star Centre
Light Lunch. Everyone welcome. $2. Cash prizes.
Senior Supper and Craft Night
January 13 from 4pm to 6pm
Mamowintowin Hall, Cadotte Lake
Join Cadotte Lake Community Services for a hot meal followed by a craft project. Supper, craft supplies and instruction provided at no cost. To register or for more information call 780-629-2477.
Little Adventurers: Up to Snow Good
January 16 from 10am to 11:30am
Nampa FCSS Office
For ages 0-5 and their parents/guardians. Join us for winter-themed crafts, games and snacks. Limited spots available. Please pre-register. To register, or for more info, please call 780-322-3954.
Kids Konnection
January 18 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Nampa FCSS Office
For children ages 6+. Join us for a variety of interactive activities while reconnecting with your friends after school. Limited spots available. To register or for more info, call 780-322-3954.
Adult Destination Cooking
January 18 from 5pm to 7pm
Mamowintowin Hall, Cadotte Lake
For ages 16+. Join us for an interactive cooking class and learn how to make authentic cuisine. Instructions and supplies provided. 780-629-2477
Community Skate
January 19 from 4pm to 6pm
Mamowintowin Hall Outdoor Skating Rink, Cadotte Lake
Grab your skates and join us for an evening of skating.

Frosty Family Fun Day
January 22 from 11:30am to 2pm
St. Isidore Skating Rink
Family skate, hot dogs and hot chocolate. In partnership with St. Isidore FCSS, Northern Sunrise County Protective Services, Alberta Health Services and the St. Isidore Cultural Centre. 780-624-8071
Glow Skate
January 22 from 5pm to 6:30pm
Baytex Energy Centre, Peace River
Strap on your skates, dress in neon and join us at the Baytex Energy Centre for some funky, glow fun on the ice!
Senior Coffee Morning
January 24 from 10am to 11am
Farmers Restaurant
Stop in for a free cup of coffee or tea and reconnect with your neighbours. Sponsored by Nampa FCSS. 780-322-3954
Kids Konnection
January 25 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Nampa FCSS Office
For children ages 6+. Join us for a variety of interactive activities while reconnecting with your friends after school. Limited spots available. To register or for more info call 780-322-3954.
Family Dodgeball
January 25 at 7pm
St. Isidore Cultural Centre Gymnasium
Connect with other families over a friendly game of dodgeball. All ages and abilities welcome. 780-624-8071
January 26 at 7:30pm
Manning Senior Star Centre
Light Lunch. Everyone welcome. $2. Cash prizes.
PD Day Camp
January 30 from 8:30am to 4:30pm
Baytex Energy Centre, Peace River
Looking for a fun place for your kids on PD Day? Register them for a full day of activities at the Baytex! $20 per child. Ideal for ages 6-11.
To register visit
No School Day Public Skating & Shinny Hockey
January 30
Skating from 1pm to 2:30pm | Hockey from 2:30pm to 4:30pm
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex, Grimshaw
Subject to change. All individuals must wear the required equipment to enter the ice surface. $2. 780-332-4005 ext. 0
Peace River Municipal Library Bookmobile
January 31 from 1:30pm to 2:30pm
Heritage Tower and Points West, Peace River
We pick up & drop off materials every 4 weeks. Membership is free & gives you access to books, audiobooks, magazines, movies, video games, & more! Contact Louis or Anne if you’re interested in joining the service. 780-624-4076
Rainbow Club Public GSA
February 4 from 11am to 1pm
Peace River Municipal Library
Grief and Bereavement Workshop
February 4 & 5 from 9pm to 4pm
With guest speaker Rob Smith. Free! To register, please call 780-772-9477 or email

February 9 at 7:30pm
Manning Senior Star Centre
Light Lunch. Everyone welcome. $2. Cash prizes.
No School Day Public Skating & Shinny Hockey
February 10
Skating from 1pm to 2:30pm | Hockey from 2:30pm to 4:30pm
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex, Grimshaw
Subject to change. All individuals must wear the required equipment to enter the ice surface. $2. 780-332-4005 ext. 0
No School Days Field House Youth Time
February 10 from 1pm to 4:30pm
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex
$2. 780-332-4005 ext. 0
PD Day Camp
February 10 from 8:30am to 4:30pm
Baytex Energy Centre, Peace River
Looking for a fun place for your kids on PD Day? Register them for a full day of activities at the Baytex! $20 per child. Ideal for ages 6-11.
No School Day Public Skating & Shinny Hockey
February 17
Skating from 1pm to 2:30pm | Hockey from 2:30pm to 4:30pm
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex, Grimshaw
Subject to change. All individuals must wear the required equipment to enter the ice surface. $2. 780-332-4005 ext. 0

No School Days Field House Youth Time
February 17 from 1pm to 4:30pm
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex
$2. 780-332-4005 ext. 0
No School Day Public Skating & Shinny Hockey
February 20
Skating from 1pm to 2:30pm Hockey from 2:30pm to 4:30pm
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex, Grimshaw
Subject to change due to rentals. All individuals must wear the required equipment to enter the ice surface. $2. 780-332-4005 ext. 0
No School Days Field House Youth Time
February 20 from 1pm to 4:30pm
Mile Zero Regional Multiplex
$2. 780-332-4005 ext. 0
February 23 at 7:30pm
Manning Senior Star Centre
Light Lunch. Everyone welcome. $2. Cash prizes.
Go: Mighty Peace is created in partnership with County of Northern Lights, Clear Hills County, Municipal District of Peace No. 135, Northern Sunrise County, Municipal District of Fairview No. 136, Town of Fairview, Town of Peace River and Town of Grimshaw.
Please note:
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of these events and listings. Any errors or omissions are strictly unintentional.
Please confirm event details with organizers and coordinators as event details may have changed.
To have your event or listing included, send the listing to (some restrictions apply).