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New Yard Waste Bins Coming to Peace River

On May 1, 2023, the Town of Peace River will install a yard waste disposal bin at the north end of the Centennial Parking Lot (9802 101 Street), exclusively for yard waste.

Acceptable yard waste includes:

  • Tree and shrub trimmings

  • Plant remains

  • Grass clippings

  • Leaves

  • Trees

  • Stumps

The bins are not to be used for household waste, rocks, bricks, plastic, large amounts of dirt or any other items that are not yard waste. Users are asked to only dump biodegradable items.

Bins will be emptied on Fridays and on Mondays — and on an as-needed basis throughout the rest of the week, depending on how frequently the bin is used.

The yard waste disposal bin will be available from May 1 to October 31, 2023.


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