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October 2023 ~ Event Calendar

International Day of Older Persons Luncheon

October 1 from 11am to 1pm

Nampa Seniors Drop-in Centre

Celebrate International Day for Older Persons with a free luncheon. Limited seating, please pre-register. To register or for more information call 780-322-3954.

Peacefest AGM October 3 at 7pm TJ's Restaurant, Peace River A new board of directors is needed to continue. Share your ideas and create community events for your friends and family.

Kids Konnection

October 4 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm

Nampa FCSS Office

For children ages 6+. Join us for a variety of interactive activities while connecting with your friends after school. Limited spots available. To register, or for more information, call 780-322-3954.

Adult String Art Workshop

October 5 at 6pm

Nampa FCSS Office

For adults 18+. Join us for an evening of creating your own fall-themed décor using string. Instructions and supplies provided. Participants must bring their own hammer. Limited spots available. To register please call 780-322-3954.

Dine & Dance with Duane Steele and Band

October 7

Dave Shaw Memorial Arena, Hines Creek

Presented by End of Steel Heritage Museum and Long Story Records. With special guests High Road. $50 for VIP supper and dance. $30 for dance only. Cash only.

Senior Coffee Morning

October 10 at 10am

Nampa Foods

Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea while you reconnect with your neighbours. Sponsored by Nampa FCSS. For more information call 780-322-3954.

Bronze Medallion

October 10, 12, 17 & 19 from 4pm to 9pm

Peace Regional Pool, Peace River

Adult & Teen Mermaid Fitness

Tuesdays and Thursdays from October 10 to November 2

from 6pm to 7pm

Peace Regional Pool, Peace River

Adult Swim Club

Tuesdays and Thursdays from October 10 to November 2

from 6pm to 7pm

Peace Regional Pool, Peace River

Fairview Book Club

October 10 at 7pm

Fairview Public Library

Join us for book club on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Come help pick the next book while reviewing the last book.

Pumpkin Centrepiece Workshop October 11 at 7pm Krooked House, Grimshaw Join us in creating pumpkin centrepiece arrangements. $25 per participant. Base price includes pumpkin and greenery, floral stems are additional and priced per stem, so you can make a completely customized piece. Contact Raediance at 780-332-1208 to reserve your spot.

Welcome Mat Workshop October 12 at 6:30pm Berwyn Elks Community Centre $30 per person. Limited spots.

Canadian Firearms Safety Course

October 13 from 6:30pm to 9pm

October 14 from 9am to 4pm

Vision Learning Centre

Mandatory firearms safety certification for the PAL licence, which is needed to own and buy ammunition for firearms. This two-day course has two exams, one written and one practical. $140.

Peace River Farmers Market

October 14 from 10am to 2pm

8002 102 Ave., West Hill Peace River

Music Jam October 14 at 7pm Hines Creek Hotel Circle of Friends Music Jam hosted by Gregg Coon. Bring your friends, your instruments and your voices.

Small Business Week

October 16 – 20

Town of Fairview

Little Adventurers: Monster Munchkins

October 16 from 10am to 11:30am

Nampa FCSS Office

For ages 0-5 and their parents/guardians. Join us for themed games, snacks and crafts. Limited spots available. Please pre-register. To register, or for more information, call 780-322-3954.

Senior Coffee Morning

October 18 at 10am

Café du Coin, St. Isidore

Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea while you reconnect with your neighbours. For more information call 780-624-8071.

Kids Konnection

October 18 from 3:30pm to 4:30pm

Nampa FCSS Office

For children ages 6+. Join us for a variety of interactive activities while connecting with your friends after school. Limited spots available. To register, or for more information, call 780-322-3954.

Le Petite Ecole

October 19 at 10am

St. Isidore Cultural Centre

For children ages 0-5 and their parents/guardians. Join us for themed crafts, games and snacks. Please pre-register. To register, or for more info, call 780-624-8071.

Babysitting Course

October 21 from 10am to 6pm

Peace Regional Pool

The Red Cross Babysitting course teaches your child the basics of babysitting, how to prevent accidents and basic Frist Aid training. For ages 11+. For more information visit

Monster Mash Family Dance

October 21 from 6pm to 8pm

Nampa Seniors Drop In Centre

Dress up and head on over to the Nampa Complex for a spook-tacular time! DJ dance, prizes for costumes, glitter tattoos and more. For more information call 780-322-3954.

Public Skate with the North Peace Navigators

October 22

Baytex Energy Centre, Peace River

Senior Coffee Morning

October 24 at 10am

Café du Coin, St. Isidore

Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea while you reconnect with your neighbours. For more information call 780-624-8071.

Wheels on Ice

October 24 from 1:30pm to 3pm

Baytex Energy Centre, Peace River

Skating on the ice for people living with a disability.

7th Annual Haunted House

October 27 – 31 from 6pm to 10pm nightly

Peace River Ag Grounds

$5 per person. 12 and under not permitted. For more information contact Kimberly Johnson at 780-617-1055.

Peace River Farmers Market

October 28 from 10am to 2pm

8002 102 Ave., West Hill Peace River

Halloween Skate

October 29 from 5pm to 6:30pm

Baytex Energy Centre, Peace River

Free Swim

October 30 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm

Baytex Energy Centre

Sponsored by Baytex Energy Ltd.

Hallowe'en in the Village October 30 and 31 from 7pm to 9:30pm Pioneer Village Museum, NW of Grimshaw Admission by donation. Best suited for ages 14+. Hosted by the Lac Cardinal Regional Pioneer Village Museum and the Lac Cardinal Regional Performing Arts Society.

Halloween Goblin & Go

October 31 from 5pm to 6pm

St. Isidore Cultural Centre

Join us for a spooktacular time before you head out to trick or treat. Hot dogs, surprise bags and Halloween-themed activities. In partnership with the St. Isidore Cultural Centre and St. Isidore Community Services. For more information call 780-624-8071 or 780-624-8481.

Indoor Safe Halloween Party

October 31 from 4pm to 6pm

Mile Zero Regional Multiplex

Open to all community area youth 10 years and younger. There will be stations for all to enjoy. For more info call Lindsay at 780-332-4005 ext. 04.


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