A Case to be Made for Heirloom Seed Production & Spirit Distillation
Since 2022, the Regional Economic Development Initiative (REDI) has commissioned Municipal Experts—an Alberta-based consulting company specializing in economic development and other municipal projects—to research the feasibility of various business opportunities tailored for the REDI Region.
The following two business opportunities—heirloom seed production and spirit distillation—would benefit the region by diversifying existing opportunities and maximizing on the region’s agricultural strengths and abundant local resources.
“These two business cases speak to the diversity of the region’s people,” said Ray Toews, REDI Board Member and Fort Vermilion Board of Trade Vice Chair. “The pioneer attitude and the can-do spirit are alive and well here—it’s what moves us forward. This is the real strength of the REDI Region.”
Paul Salvatore is the CEO of Municipal Experts. His team researched and prepared these business cases for REDI, so they could be presented to local entrepreneurs and investors to gauge interest.
“There are unique opportunities and challenges business prospects could encounter during planning and preparation,” said Salvatore. “We hope aspiring local businesses can get excited about moving forward with these opportunities.”

Heirloom Seed Production
Heirloom seeds are seed varieties that have been carefully selected and managed over generations for their unique characteristics such as superior flavour.
Developing heirloom seed varieties is an involved process. Careful selection and breeding over multiple generations is required to isolate and stabilize desirable traits.
It’s a process that takes time. Seeds need to be isolated from other crops to allow for natural pollination to occur. If successful, the attention to detail can be rewarded with highly nutritious, unique varieties, which can be sold for higher prices than traditionally grown crops.
For the past 40 years, the REDI Region’s two seed cleaning plants—The Frontier Seed Cleaning Co-op Ltd. in La Crete and the High Level Seed Cleaning Co-op Ltd.—have helped local producers preserve older heirloom seed varieties. This has created a great opportunity to add value and open up a new market for selling heirloom seeds throughout Canada and the US.
Why Growing Heirloom Seeds in the REDI Region is Beneficial
The REDI Region’s heirloom seeds have superior qualities that translate to major competitive advantages when taken to market.
Forty years in the making, local heirloom seeds grow grains of greater weight and higher protein levels—traits seed buyers look for—and these findings are backed by a 2019 independent study undertaken by the Mackenzie Applied Research Association (MARA).
Farmers in the REDI Region benefit from 19 hours of sunlight, which provides longer growing days and a short, intense growing season in Canada’s most northern agricultural zone.
Another advantage stems from the local ecosystem. Situated in the heart of the boreal forest, there is a significant forest break that separates the region from other agricultural zones.
This natural buffer, combined with the prevailing wind direction, results in fewer crop diseases. So, buyers of heirloom seeds produced in the REDI Region can be confident they are less likely to introduce new or additional crop diseases to their farms.
Furthermore, extremely cold winter temperatures in the REDI Region kill off most pests. As a result, fewer pesticide treatments are required for seed production.
“As more people seek foods with a high nutritional value, this unique opportunity will benefit from the growing trend toward healthy, locally produced, non-GMO and organically grown seed crops,” said Salvatore.

Spirit Distillation
With an increased interest in craft cocktails and Northwestern Alberta’s abundance of high-quality grains and botanicals, the REDI Region is an ideal location to establish a micro-distillery.
Small batch distilleries can start as a home business, which allows for suitable experimentation before scaling operations up to a commercial level.
According to Farm Credit Canada, competition in the Canadian market has grown from 94 craft distilleries in 2015 to 170 in 2022, which makes it an exciting opportunity to join this emerging space.
Like microbreweries, micro-distilleries can take advantage of local ingredients to create unique offerings that showcase regional flavours.
“This opportunity would allow for experimentation with locally grown botanicals such as goldenrod, mint, wild rose, Saskatoon berry and yarrow, to name a few,” said Salvatore.
Gin and vodka are often chosen as a distillery’s first spirits because there is no need for additional aging, so production and sales can begin in quick succession following processing.
While distillation operations can be relatively straightforward, significant legislative requirements need to be considered and adhered to.
Consulting experienced distillers and industry experts can be valuable when it comes to making informed decisions.
The Alberta Craft Distiller’s Association is an excellent resource for information:
Positive Economic Impacts of a Distillery in Northwestern Alberta
A distillery in the REDI Region would result in job creation—including direct employment opportunities for skilled positions such as distillers, production staff, marketing personnel and hospitality staff.
There would also be indirect employment opportunities as local ingredients would need to be sourced (cereal grains and botanicals), and there would be other opportunities along the supply chain.
A local distillery would be a tourism draw, especially if tours, tastings and immersive experiences were offered.
Plus, distilleries are a natural venue for community engagement, which lends itself to a host of events, collaborations and partnerships. This type of engagement helps foster community pride, creates a sense of place and contributes to the overall social and cultural fabric of the wider region.
“This opportunity can generate a successful and sustainable business that contributes to Northwestern Alberta,” said Salvatore. “It’s an opportunity to craft high-quality spirits that reflect the cultural fabric of this unique region in Canada.”
Interested in one of these business opportunities? Visit rediregion.ca