What's New & How to Get Involved

From hosting ride nights to selling club merch and raffle tickets, the Peace River Motocross Club is showing no signs of slowing down. In fact, their membership is growing. We caught up with the PRMX executive group to see what the club has been up to.
Move Up: When we last featured the Peace River Motocross Club in 2017, you talked about securing a 15-year land lease, putting in an access road, building a track and being added to the local race series. What’s new since then?
PRMX: The Club has continued to grow as more young members are starting to break into the sport. The track continues to get maintained and upgraded with the help of our local sponsorships and the work of the club members.
There is a group of members who race in the Peace Motocross Association (PMA), which is a circuit of races throughout the Peace Region—from Grande Prairie to Fort Nelson and Prince George.
We are also working with the County of Northern Lights to extend our lease on the land, so we can continue to enjoy the track for many more years.
How can people get involved, either to join as a member or to pitch in with volunteer efforts?
You can buy memberships on our website: peacerivermotocross.com. That’s also where you can find Peace Motocross Association’s racing schedule.
We are active on our social media. We can be found at Peace River Motocross Club on Facebook and @peacerivermx on Instagram. We post about upcoming events such as work-bee nights or ride nights.
Volunteers and sponsors are always welcome—please reach out via email to peacerivermx@gmail.com if you are interested in helping out. Volunteers are always needed to prepare for race days as well as to help during race days.
Because we are a non-profit, we are always looking for sponsorships to help cover the costs of putting on the race for the year.
Is anything new and exciting happening this season?
This season the Club hosted a raffle for a Yamaha TTR 110 dirt bike. The proceeds will go toward buying a new tractor for the track.
We are also working hard this year to improve the condition of the track. We’re doing this by adding sawdust, sand and hog (wood chips, which are a by-product from the mill) to the track to improve the quality of the dirt. This helps it retain some moisture and keep the dirt softer.
Another thing completed this year was the setup of a water trailer, so when we groom the track, we can also water it.
What are the long-term plans for the future?
We plan to continue growing the sport in the area by highlighting it when we can and by increasing our membership numbers. It is really great to see the track being used by existing members and new young families.
Photography by Fox Photo Co.