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Peace River Welcomes New CAO

Peace River’s new CAO, Barbara Miller assumed her new role effective November 1.

Miller spent most of her career in senior financial roles, including being an auditor for UFA Cooperative Limited.

Miller moved into the world of municipal government leadership in 2008. She served as the CAO for the Town of Vauxhall in southern Alberta for six years before moving to the Town of Drumheller for the next six years. During this time, she was the Director of Corporate Services, Deputy Director of Emergency Management and the Deputy CAO.

Prior to accepting this role with the Town of Peace River, she spent just over a year as the CAO for the MD of Lesser Slave River, based out of Slave Lake.

In addition to possessing a professional CPA, CGA designation, Miller has her Bachelor of Applied Business Administration degree, her professional local government designation (CLGM), numerous emergency management certifications as well as several other relevant courses and training.

The position attracted strong candidates from across Canada.


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