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PRAMP installs air monitoring lanterns around the region

The Peace River Area Monitoring Program (PRAMP) continuously monitors emissions and air quality to ensure a healthy environment in the Peace River Area’s airshed zone.

PRAMP recently installed AQHI lanterns at the Peace River Health Complex, the Grimshaw Municipal Library and the Northern Sunrise County office, which were created for PRAMP by an Alberta artist to visually demonstrate changing Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) data in real time.

Changes in the colour of the lantern light are caused by variations in the AQHI data being received through PRAMP’s AQHI Air Station in Grimshaw. The colour of the light corresponds with a number on the AQHI scale.

By installing these lanterns PRAMP aims to promote public interest in local air quality matters and familiarity with the Air Quality Health Index.

“One of our mandates as a library is to be a source of reliable information,” said Vivianne Gayton, Grimshaw Municipal Library Manager. “This lantern provides a simple, very effective, visual source of information for our population.”

L to R: Vivianne Gayton, Grimshaw Municipal Library Manager; Eileen Coristine, PRAMP Outreach Coordinator & Lily Lin, PRAMP Technical Manager


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