The Peace River Regional Women’s Shelter (PRRWS) reopened on April 4 following the extensive remediation work necessary after discovering black mould in the shelter on November 28, 2023.
During the past four months, the PRRWS offered reduced services to women and children fleeing abuse.
The PRRWS offered off-site support services, arranged for some families who were not in immediate danger to stay in local hotels, moved a few families who were ready for Second Stage into accommodations there, answered the 24-hour crisis line and directed women to other emergency shelters.
Upon discovering the black mould, members of the PRRWS board contacted the Province of Alberta, local municipalities and local towns to canvas for donations. All levels of government assistance were supportive with cash donations. A variety of local businesses were also canvassed, and general public donations were gratefully received by the shelter.
The Province of Alberta announced on February 26 that it would provide $400,000. Northern Sunrise County donated $20,000, plus offered a two-year interest free loan of $130,000.
The County of Northern Lights donated $20,000. The MD of Peace donated $10,000 now and $10,000 in the following year. The Town of Peace River donated $20,000. The Towns of Grimshaw and Manning donated $2,500 each.
This support covers all the costs of remediating the black mould and the rebuilding of the infrastructure destroyed during the remediation. The PRRWS also attended to issues that contributed to the problem by installing new furnaces and fans to ensure air is properly moved throughout the building.
The work was done by local contractors who understood the emergent need to provide a safe place to women fleeing domestic violence.