In August, Saddle Hills County announced it had been awarded an additional
$22.7 million in grant funding from the provincial government through the
Water for Life Grant Project.
This is additional partial funding to help complete phases 1 and 2 of the Central Peace Regional Water Project—a collaborative effort between the G5 municipalities of Birch Hills County, the MD of Spirit River, Saddle Hills County, the Town of Spirit River and the Village of Rycroft.
The Central Peace Regional Water Project aims to build a water supply system to provide a source of potable water to residents, businesses and industry members in Saddle Hills County and the Central Peace Region.
To date, the funds allocated for this project total $65,222,222, with 90% covered by grant funding from the Government of Alberta. These funds will help to complete the river intake, pumping station and the first portion of one of the raw water pipelines needed to finish the overall project. It is hoped that these portions of the project will be awarded by the end of 2024. The final cost of the project is yet to be determined.
Additionally, Saddle Hills County was also awarded $280,000 through the Province of Alberta’s Drought and Flood Protection Program for the Ksituan Additional Raw Water Storage Project. This project entails the construction of a supplemental raw water storage facility to help supply the Water Treatment Plant during times of potential drought or low streamflow.